Recent Titles from GSE Faculty

March 3, 2010 - Shaun Harper’s College Men and Masculinities: Theory, Research and Implications for Practice (co-edited with Frank Harris III) is a comprehensive handbook on college men and analysis of race, class, and gender issues in higher ed. More

Matt Hartley’s Universities in Partnership: Strategies for Education, Youth Development, and Community Renewal (co-edited with Ira Harkavy) presents cases studies on democratic university-community collaborations. More

Yasmin Kafai’s The Computer Clubhouse: Constructionism and Creativity in Youth Communities (co-edited with Kylie A. Peppler, and Robbin N. Chapman) presents research on an out-of-school network where underserved youth develop skills with 21st century technology. More

James H. Lytle’s Working for Kids: Educational Leadership as Inquiry and Invention offers a critique of current school leadership approaches and presents an entrepreneurial alternative for school reform. More

Laura Perna’s Understanding the Working College Student: New Research and Its Implications for Policy and Practice is an edited volume that takes closer look at undergraduates who work and the implications of work on educational experiences and outcomes. More

Sharon Ravitch’s El Sentido de la investigación Cualitativa y sus Metodologías (The Meaning of Qualitative Research and Methods) is an edited volume designed to make qualitative research methods in systemic family therapy accessible to Spanish speakers. More

Kathy Schultz’s Rethinking Classroom Participation: Listening to Silent Voices gives teachers guidance for rethinking classroom participation and understanding student silence in the classroom. More

Coming soon
Marybeth Gasman’s The History of U.S. Higher Education: Methods for Understanding the Past is an edited volume that Explores critical issues in higher education history, including race, class, gender, and sexuality.

Media contact: Jill DiSanto-Haines at 215-898-4820 or