Selected Publications
Patton, L.D., Evans-Winters, V., & Jacobs, C.E. (2021). (Eds.) Investing in the Educational Success of Black Women and Girls. Stylus Press.
Jacobs, C.E. & Clonan-Roy, K. (2021). “Developing Education Organizations with Gender and Queer Inclusive Cultures”. In K. Pak & S. Ravitch (Eds.), Critical Leadership in Challenging Times: Reframing Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Teachers College Press.
Keddie, A., Jacobs, C.E. & Nelson, J.D. (2020). When You Say Diversity, Do You Mean Black Students? Navigating Challenges of Racial Inclusion in Elite Schools. International Studies in Sociology of Education. doi:10.1080/09620214.2020.1834869.
Clonan-Roy, K., Gross, N., & Jacobs, C.E. (2020). Safe Rebellious Places: The Value of Informal Spaces in Schools to Counter the Emotional Silencing of Youth of Color. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education. doi:10.1080/09518398.2020.1760392
Jacobs, C.E. & Weber, R. (2020). Seen and Heard: Exploring Inclusion with a Focus on the Experiences of Black Girls in Independent Schools. Independent School Magazine. Summer 2020 issue.
Jacobs, C.E. (2020). “Standing Up and Speaking Out: Black Girls’ Agency & Activism in Elite Independent Schools”. In G. Logan & J. Mackey (Eds.), Black Girl Civics: Expanding and Navigating the Boundaries of Civic Engagement. Information Age Press.
Jacobs, C.E. (2019). “Identity in Formation: Black Girl Critical Literacies in Independent Schools”. In J. Jordan-Zachery & D. Harris (Eds.), Black Girl Magic Beyond the Hashtag: Twenty-First Century Acts of Self-Definition. University of Arizona Press.
Jacobs, C.E. (2020). Ready to Lead: Leadership Supports and Barriers for Black and Latinx Girls. Research Study Report for Girls Leadership.
Kuriloff, P. K., Andrus, S. H., & Jacobs, C. E. (2017). Teaching girls: How teachers and parents can reach their brains and hearts. Lantham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Jacobs, C. E. (2017). Remember, black girls aren’t doing “just fine”: Supporting black girls in the classroom. In E. Moore Jr., M. Penick-Parks, & A. Michael (Eds.), A guide for white women teaching black boys. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.
Jacobs, C. E. (2017). Developing the “oppositional gaze”: Using critical media pedagogy and black feminist thought to promote black girls’ identity development. The Journal of Negro Education, 85(3), 225–238.
Clonan-Roy, K., Jacobs, C. E., & Nakkula, M. J. (2016). Towards a model of positive youth development specific to girls of color: Perspectives on development, resilience, and empowerment. Gender Issues, 33(2), 96–121.
Andrus, S. H., Kuriloff, P. J., & Jacobs, C. E. (2015). Teaching middle school girls more effectively: Initial results from a national study. Independent School Magazine, 74(3), 16–20.
Jacobs, C. E. (2015). “Where my girls at?”: The experiences of African-American adolescent girls at a predominantly white independent school. In S. M. Ravitch & N. M. Carl (Eds.), Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and methodological(appendix S). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Jacobs, C. E., Kuriloff, P. J., Andrus, S. H., & Cox, A. B. (2014). Reaching girls. Phi Delta Kappan, 96, 68–73.