GSE Events

Grow Where You are Planted

Add to Calendar Icon 2020-12-10 12:30 2020-12-10 13:30 15 Penn GSE Event: Grow Where You are Planted This seminar explores the typical flow of human reactions and responses, and suggests practical tips for enjoying whatever stage participants are experiencing. Proven strategies such as gaining clarity, brainstorming creatively, re-framing and parallel paths are some of the useful tools participants will learn about.
Thursday, December 10, 2020 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
There may be times when we wish things were different at work and/or in our home life. Sometimes it’s time for a change, and other times it isn’t. How do we know when to accept things as they are, or when a change in perspective is needed? Do your employees want to be promoted faster, or are they restless? This seminar explores the typical flow of human reactions and responses, and suggests practical tips for enjoying whatever stage participants are experiencing. Proven strategies such as gaining clarity, brainstorming creatively, re-framing and parallel paths are some of the useful tools participants will learn about.