Rand Quinn, Penn GSE
Penn GSE News
July 31, 2023

Penn GSE Associate Professor Rand Quinn has been appointed faculty director of Civic House and the Civic Scholars Program. He begins in the role Aug. 1.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
July 26, 2023
, The Philadelphia Inquirer

The best DEI program: better college teaching

In the wake of the Supreme Court striking down affirmative action, Jonathan Zimmerman writes that what will really make a difference for Black and brown students is improved classroom instruction.

Sigal Ben-Porath, Penn GSE
Penn GSE News
July 21, 2023

Sigal Ben-Porath has been named faculty director of the Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) Paideia Program. She will assume the role Sept. 1.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
July 18, 2023
, Los Angeles Times

Opinion: How we got interminable summer breaks from school — and what we can do about it

Jonathan Zimmerman says a new take on summer schooling could connect more teachers with the passion and idealism that brought them into education in the first place.

Penn GSE News
July 18, 2023
Two volunteers stand in the Puentes de Salud medical clinic with a mural painted on the wall behind them, holding children’s books in Spanish donated by A Book a Day, a non-profit run by Penn GSE student Sibylla Shekerdjiska-Benatova

A Book a Day Founder and Executive Director Sibylla Shekerdjiska-Benatova is a master’s student in Penn GSE’s Reading/Writing/Literacy program. She says children need engaging and relatable books in order to help them embrace reading and build foundational skills.

Alan R. Ruby, Penn GSE
Penn GSE News
July 15, 2023

The first revisions in nearly 20 years reinforce old ideas by focusing on male alums, says Ruby in a column for University World News.

Laura W. Perna, Penn GSE
Penn GSE News
July 14, 2023

The plan announced on July 14 will eliminate $39 billion in debt for more than 800,000 borrowers.

Katharine O. Strunk, Penn GSE
In the Media
July 13, 2023
, Chalkbeat Colorado

Denver education research going forward but not without a fight

Dean Katharine Strunk says data has grown increasingly political with the general polarization around public education; she says data does not need to be weaponized.

Ryan S. Baker, Penn GSE
In the Media
July 12, 2023
, Undark Magazine

The Education System Isn’t Ready for Another Widespread Closure

Ryan Baker says educators must look at a technology’s track record in the context of their own school’s demographics, geography, culture, and challenges when considering investing in new technology for the classroom.

Penn GSE News
July 11, 2023
From left to right, inaugural Director Cheryl Logan; Robert, Suzanne, and Harold "Terry" McGraw III; former Dean Pam Grossman; and Dean Katharine Strunk pose for a photo during the launch event for Penn GSE's McGraw Center for Educational Leadership on June 8, 2023

The event launching Penn GSE’s McGraw Center for Educational Leadership set the tone for the Center’s future: gathering great educational minds from across the School along with outside experts to tackle the big issues facing education today.

Karen Weaver, Penn GSE
In the Media
July 8, 2023
, Daily Journal

How the current state of coaching salaries affects Egg Bowl rivals

Karen Weaver says the key indicator of a college's commitment to athletic excellence is how much the institution pays the head coach.

Penn GSE News
July 5, 2023
Penn GSE alums Brittany Robertson and Serrano Legrand sit in a living room in front of a camera and boom mic while a House Hunters crew member interviews them for an episode of the show

When Brittany Robertson and Serrano Legrand met in 2016, they became instant friends. Prospective students, they knew exciting opportunities lay ahead – but they never imagined they’d star together in one of their favorite reality TV shows.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
June 29, 2023
, The Philadelphia Inquirer

The Supreme Court has struck down affirmative action. That might help campus diversity.

Jonathan Zimmerman says that, in light of affirmative action being overturned, some colleges may base admissions on income. That could bring in more white working-class students, which will make campuses more ideologically diverse places.

Penn GSE News
June 29, 2023
GSE Dean Pam Grossman smiles in front of a painted wall

Dean Pam Grossman has guided Penn GSE through a capital campaign, a global pandemic, a historic building expansion, and unprecedented growth with ambition and compassion. The breadth of all she has accomplished came into sharp relief when she announced the bittersweet news that she would be stepping down this summer.

Penn GSE News
June 28, 2023
Tamir Harper smiles with his students at Henry C. Lea School

Tamir Harper, a teacher at the Henry C. Lea School and master’s degree student at Penn GSE, recently shared with Penn Today that although “it’s exhausting sometimes” and “a lot of pressure,” being a Black male educator “is an honor.”

Penn GSE News
June 26, 2023
Group photo of the Penn GSE awardees at staff celebration June 21

The Penn GSE community gathered to celebrate staff members with 10 or more years of service on Wednesday, June 21. Honorees were awarded with certificates and words of acknowledgment for 5-year milestones.
