Professional Biography
Dr. Katie A. Danielson’s research centers around how to support pre-service and in-service teachers to enact culturally and linguistically responsive practice in support of evidence-based literacy learning in early childhood and elementary contexts. Katie is particularly interested in understanding the connections between teacher educator pedagogy and subsequent candidate enactment. In her role as an assistant professor in the School of Education at the University of Portland, Katie was appointed to the Early Literacy Preparation Council in the State of Oregon to work on draft recommendations for teacher licensure aligned with the Science of Reading.
Katie’s work with Penn GSE focuses on teacher educator pedagogy and professional development in schools. Formerly, Katie was a post-doctoral fellow at New York University’s Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development. Among other journals, her work has appeared in the American Educational Research Journal, Journal of Teacher Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education. Danielson received her Ph.D. from the University of Washington, her Ed.M. from the Harvard Graduate School of Education, and her B.A. from the University of Puget Sound. She began her career in education as a teacher in San Francisco, CA, and Denver, CO.