Roberts, S., Kirksey, J.J., & Gottfried, M.A. (in press). Practices more likely to occur in kindergarten mathematics teachers’ classrooms when English learners are present. Learning and Instruction.
Kirksey, J.J., Sattin-Bajaj, C., Gottfried, M.A., Freeman, J.A., & Ozuna, C.S. (in press). Deportations near the schoolyard: Examining immigration enforcement and racial/ethnic gaps in educational outcomes. AERA Open.
Gottfried, M.A., Garcia, E., & Kim, H.Y. (in press). Peer tutoring instructional practice and kindergartners’ achievement and socioemotional development. Educational Studies.
Gottfried, M.A., & Kirskey, J.J. (2018). Self-discipline and Catholic schools. Washington, DC: Fordham Foundation.
Bargagliotti, A., Gottfried, M.A., & Guarino, C. (2017). Educating the whole child: Early mathematical instructional practices and students’ academic and socioemotional development. Teachers College Record, 119, 1-41.
Wright, A., Gottfried, M.A., Le, V. (2017). A kindergarten teacher like me: The role of student-teacher race in social-emotional development. American Educational Research Journal [centennial issue], 54, 78-101.
Gottfried, M.A., & Le, V. (2017). Is full-day kindergarten linked to children’s physical activity? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 40, 138-149.
Gottfried, M.A. (2017). ELL school readiness and pre-kindergarten care. Educational Policy, 31, 39-72.
Gottfried, M.A., Le, V., & Datar, A. (2016). English Language Learners and kindergarten entry age: Achievement and socioemotional effects. The Journal of Educational Research, 109, 424-435.
Gottfried, M.A. (2016). Peer sameness and peer diversity: The influence of breadth and depth of classmates with high academic needs in kindergarten. Early Education and Development, 27, 655-675.
Gottfried, M.A. (2016). The role of real-life mathematics instruction on mathematics outcomes in kindergarten. British Educational Research Journal, 42, 314-341.
Datar, A., & Gottfried, M.A. (2015). School entry age and children’s social-behavioral skills: Evidence from a national longitudinal study of U.S. kindergartners. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 37, 333-353.
Gottfried, M.A. (2015). Can center-based childcare reduce the odds of early chronic absenteeism? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 32, 160-173.
Gottfried, M.A. (2015). Prekindergarten and kindergarten center-based child care and students’ early schooling outcomes. Teachers College Record, 117, 1-28.
Gottfried, M.A., & Kim, H.Y. (2015). Formal versus informal prekindergarten care and school readiness for children in immigrant families in the U.S.: A synthesis review. Educational Research Review, 16, 85-101.
Gottfried, M.A. (2015). Does classmate ability influence students’ social skills? School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 26, 554-585.
Gottfried, M.A. (2014). The positive peer effects of diversity: Exploring the relationship between English Language Learner classmates and socio-emotional skills in early elementary school. Elementary School Journal, 115, 22-48.
Gottfried, M.A., & Graves, J. (2014). Gender composition in early elementary school classrooms and student achievement. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy, 14, 937-977.
Gottfried, M.A. (2014). Peer effects in urban schools: Assessing the impact of classroom composition on student achievement. Educational Policy, 28, 607-647.
Gottfried, M.A. (2014). The influence of tardy classmates on students’ socio-emotional outcomes. Teachers College Record, 116.
Gottfried, M.A. (2014). The achievement effects of tardy classmates: Evidence in urban elementary schools. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 25, 3-28.
Gottfried, M.A., & Johnson, E.L. (2014). Assessing access: Is there educational equity within urban schooling? Education and Urban Society, 46, 773-797.
Gottfried, M.A. (2013). The spillover effects of grade retained classmates: Evidence from urban elementary schools. American Journal of Education, 119, 405-444.
Gottfried, M.A. (2012). Understanding the institutional-level factors of urban school quality. Teachers College Record, 114.
Gottfried, M.A. (2012). Reframing retention: New evidence from within the elementary school classroom on post-retention performance. Elementary School Journal, 113, 192-214.