Selected Publications
Johanek, M. (2022). “If you want justice, organize for power!” Community organizing, Catholicism and Chicago school reform. Journal of Educational Administration and History. DOI: 10.1080/00220620.2022.2153112.
Volante, P., Jeldres, R., Spero, K., Llorente, C., & Johanek, M. (2020). Simulations for the learning of decision making in educational leadership in the context of the Chilean school system. Research in Educational Administration & Leadership, 5(1), 1–41. DOI: 10.30828/real/2020.1.1
Ben-Porath, S., & Johanek, M. (2020) Making up our mind: A response to Ahlberg, Howell, Justice, and Merry. Double Book Symposium, Theory and Research in Education, 18(2), 15–19.
Johanek, M. C., & Spero, K. (2019, November 13). The silent crisis of leadership in education. SmartBrief.
Ben-Porath, S., & Johanek, M. (2019). Making up our mind: What school choice is really about. Chicago: University of Chicago.
Lytle, J., Lytle, S., Johanek, M., & Rho, K. (2018). Repositioning educational leadership: Practitioners leading from an inquiry stance. New York: Teachers College Press.
Bernstein, E., McMenamin, S. A., & Johanek, M. C. (2016). Authentic online branching simulations: Promoting discourse around problems of practice. In P. Dickenson, & J. J. Juarez, (Eds.), Increasing productivity and efficiency in online teaching. IGI Global.
Johanek, M. C. (2015). A ‘backchannel’ for distributing leadership. School Administrator, 72(10), 57.
Johanek, M. (2015, April 5). Gestión de redes profesionales. La Tercera.
Johanek, M. (2014). Getting to the balcony from Chile. School Administrator, 71(11), 41.
Johanek, M. (2014). The public leadership gap. School Administrator, 71(3): 44.
Johanek, M. (2012, August 5). Gestión colaborativa. La Tercera.
Johanek, M. (2012, April 22). Comunidades de aprendizaje. La Tercera.
Johanek, M. (2012). Preparing pluribus for unum: Historical perspectives on civic education. In D. Campbell, F. Hess, & M. Levinson, (Eds.), Making civics count: Citizenship for a new generation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Johanek, M. (2011, April). Conocer el entorno. La Tercera.
Johanek, M. (2011). To reform education, look beyond the schools. Penn GSE Commentary. University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education.
Johanek, M., Volante, P., Mladinic, A., Lincovil, C., & Fernández, M. (2011). Diseño de Assessment Center para la selección de equipos directivos en establecimientos educacionales. Propuestas Para Chile. Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile.
Johanek, M., & Lytle, J. (2010). Reinventing leaders for a new era in education management. District Management Journal (Fall), 22–28.
Johanek, M., & Puckett, J. (2009). Leonard Covello. In E. F. Provenzo, Jr., (Ed.), Encyclopedia of the social and cultural foundations of education. Sage Publications.
Benson, L., Harkavy, I., Johanek, M., & Puckett, J. (2009). The enduring appeal of community schools. American Educator (Summer), 24–32.
Johanek, M. (2009). School reform that matters. GSE: A Review of Research (Fall), 1–9.
Johanek, M., & Puckett. J. (2007). Leonard Covello and the making of Benjamin Franklin High School: Education as if citizenship mattered. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.
Johanek, M. C., & Puckett, J. (2004). Accounting for Citizenship: Are our expectations for civic education too modest?. Retrieved from Reprinted with permission in Education Week, Volume 23, Issue 42, July 2004, Page 52.