Selected Publications
Gonzalez, M., Kokozos, M., McKee, K., & Byrd, C. (2024). Storytelling through a Critical Positive Youth Development (CPYD) framework: A mixed methods approach. Journal of Youth Development, 19(1) Article 2, 1-14.
Gonzalez, M., Kokozos, M., Nyota, N., & Byrd, C. (2023). Youth storytelling for social change: Guiding questions for effective and ethical delivery. Journal of Extension, 61(3).
Kokozos, M. (2023). Anti-oppressive education in “elite” schools: Promising practices & cautionary tales from the field. Teachers College Record. Advance online publication.
Clonan-Roy, K. “Katie,” Maton, R., Jacobs, C. E., Matthews, C., Kokozos, M., & Kitzmiller, E. (2023). White parent and caregiver perceptions of, and resistance to, equity and anti-racism work in an independent School. Teachers College Record. Advance online publication.
Kokozos, M. (2023). Teaching & learning LGBTQ+ histories of the United States in your classroom. The History Teacher, 56(3), 437–451.
Kokozos, M., & Gonzalez, M. (2020). Critical inclusion: Disrupting LGBTQ normative frameworks in school contexts. Equity & Excellence in Education, 53(1–2), 151–164.
Gonzalez, M., Kokozos, M., Byrd, C., & McKee, K. (2020). Critical positive youth development: A framework for centering critical consciousness. Journal of Youth Development, 15(6).
Gonzalez, M., White, A., Vega, L., Howard, J., Kokozos, M., & Soule, K. (2020). “Making the best better” for youths: Cultivating LGBTQ+ inclusion in 4-H. Journal of Extension, 58(4), Article v58-4tt4.
Gonzalez, M., McKee, K., Kokozos, M., Shealy, L., & Chan, S. (2019). #PassTheMicYouth multimedia program: Setting the stage to amplify youth voices. Journal of Extension, 57(6), Article 6TOT2.
Kokozos, M. (2017). The illusion of inclusion: Curricular possibilities amidst a homonational project. Publicly Accessible Penn Dissertations. 2399.