Selected Publications
Lee, S., & Pheng, L. (2022). Chapter 3: Invisibility and hypervisibility at University Heights High School. In Resisting Asian American invisibility: The politics of race and education. Teachers College Press.
Pheng, L., & Xiong, C. (2022). What is social justice research for Asian Americans?: Critical reflections on cross-racial and cross-ethnic coalition building in community-based educational spaces. Educational Studies.
Mac, J. Yi, V., Na, V., Thaviseth, L., Phommasa, M., & Pheng, L. (2021). The SEAAster Scholars Collective: A story of homemaking in academia." Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement, 16(1).
Lee, S., Xiong, C., Pheng, L., & Vang, M. (2020). Asians for Black lives, not Asians for Asian lives: Building Southeast Asian and Black solidarity in community-based spaces. Anthropology & Education Quarterly, 51(4), 405–421.
Lee, S., Xiong, C., Pheng, L., & Vang, M. (2017). The model minority maze: Hmong Americans working within and around racial discourses. Journal of Southeast Asian American Education and Advancement, 12(2).