Selected Publications
Grossman P., Herrmann, Z., Kavanagh, S. S., Pupik Dean, C. G. (2021). Core practices for project-based learning: A guide for teachers and leaders. Harvard Education Press.
Pupik Dean, C. G., Schein, M., Kidd, D. C., Webb, M., Kang, S., Walton Doyle, A., & Allen, D. (2020). Uncovering implicit learning theories in the humanities: A study of grantmaking at Illinois Humanities. Teachers College Record, 122(12).
Grossman, P., Pupik Dean, C., Kavanagh, S. S., & Herrmann, Z. (2019). Preparing teachers for project-based teaching. Phi Delta Kappan, 100(7), 43–48.
Grossman, P., & Pupik Dean, C. G. (2019). Negotiating a common language and shared understanding about core practices: The case of discussion. Teaching and Teacher Education, 80, 157–166.
Grossman, P., Kavanagh, S. S., & Pupik Dean, C. (2018). The turn towards practice-based teacher education: Introduction to the work of the Core Practice Consortium. In Teaching core practices in teacher education (pp. 1–14). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Pupik Dean, C. G., & Nelson, J. (2015). Sociocultural learning and the hope for school change: Participatory action research at a public elementary school. Theory, Research, and Action in Urban Education., 4(1).
Allen, D. S., Pupik Dean, C., Kang, S., & Schein, M. (2015). Humanities craftsmanship: A study of 30 years of Illinois Humanities Council grantmaking. A report by the Humanities and Liberal Arts Assessment Project.
Kumar, R., Pupik Dean, C., & Bergey, N.-L. (2012). Knowledge of community and technology as parallel tools of agency in teacher preparation. In R. Flessner, G. Miller, K. Patrizo, & J. Horwitz (Eds.), Agency in teacher education. Association of Teacher Educators.