Professional Biography
Dr. James Stoller is Chairman of the Education Institute at Cleveland Clinic and a pulmonary/critical care physician in the Cleveland Clinic Respiratory Institute. He holds the Jean Wall Bennett Professorship in Emphysema Research and the Samson Global Leadership Academy Endowed Chair at Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of Medicine.
He also serves as Associate Director of Physician Leadership Development, Mandel Global Leadership and Learning Academy, Cleveland Clinic. In addition, Dr. Stoller is an Adjunct Professor of Organizational Behavior at Case Western Reserve University’s Weatherhead School of Management and an Honorary Visiting Professor, Cass School of Business, City, University of London (UK).
His research interests include physician leadership development and, within pulmonary/critical care, alpha-1 antitryspin deficiency. Community and organizational service include membership on the Board of Directors of the Alpha-1 Foundation and of the American Respiratory Care Foundation.
He received his M.D. from Yale University and his M.S. in Organizational Development from the Weatherhead School of Management, Case Western Reserve University.