Selected Publications
Wagner, D. A., Wolf, S., Boruch, R. F. (Eds.). (2018) Learning at the bottom of the pyramid: Science, measurement, and policy in low-income countries. Paris, France: UNESCO-IIEP.
Wagner, D. A. (Ed.). (2018). Learning as development: Rethinking international education in a changing world. New York, NY: Routledge.
Wagner, D. A. (Ed.). (2015). Learning and education in developing countries: Research and policy for the post-2015 UN development goals. New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Wagner, D. A. (2015). Des évaluations simples, rapides et abordables: Améliorer l’apprentissage dans les pays en développement. Paris, France: UNESCO-IIEP.
Wagner, D. A., & Castillo, N. M. (2014). Learning at the bottom of the pyramid: Constraints, comparability and policy in developing countries. Prospects, (44), 627–638.
Wagner, D. A. (2014). Mobiles for reading: A landscape research review. Washington, DC: USAID.
Wagner, D. A. (2011). What happened to literacy? Historical and conceptual perspectives on literacy in UNESCO. International Journal of Educational Development, 31, 319–323.
Wagner, D. A. (2011). Smaller, quicker, cheaper: Improving learning assessments in developing countries. International Institute for Educational Planning. Paris: UNESCO.
Wagner, D. A. (2010). Quality of education, comparability, and assessment choice in developing countries. COMPARE: A Journal of Comparative and International Education, 40(6), 741–760.
Wagner, D. A. (2008). Global perspectives on the science of literacy and education. In M. Bornstein (Ed.), Handbook of cross-cultural developmental science. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum Associates.
Wagner, D. A., & Sweet, R. (Eds.). (2006). ICT and learning: Supporting out-of-school youth and adults. Paris, France: OECD/NCAL.
Wagner, D. A., & Kozma, R. (2005). New technologies for literacy and adult education: A global perspective. Paris, France: UNESCO. [English, French and Arabic].
Wagner, D. A. (Ed.). (2005). Monitoring and evaluation of ICT in education projects: A handbook for developing countries. Washington, D.C.: World Bank/InfoDev.
Wagner, D. A., Venezky, R. L., & Street, B. V. (Eds.). (1999). Literacy: An international handbook. Boulder, CO: Westview Press.