Selected Publications
Wildermuth, D. L., Pederson, A., & Shirk, S. (2024, March). Nurturing well-being and self-care: A recipe to beat burnout. Presentation at the University of Pennsylvania's Women in Higher Education Summit 2024, Philadelphia, PA.
Wildermuth, D. L., Shiderly, S. McLain, P., & Damon, M. (2021, October). Post 2020: Training school counselors beyond brick and mortar [Panel session]. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision National Conference, Atlanta, GA.
Wildermuth, D. L. (2021, May). Working with student athletes [Guest lecturer]. Counseling Diverse Populations graduate course, Florida International University, College of Arts, Sciences and Education.
Wildermuth, D. L. (2020). The split dodge (with Matt Mackrides, professional lacrosse player). In S. Razon, L. Tashman, & M. Sachs (Eds.), Performance excellence: Stories to make your endeavors a success (pp. 68–71). Rowman & Littlefield.
Berenato, V., & Wildermuth, D. L. (2020). Strikes, spares, and self care: Metaphors in counseling. In S. Stewart-Spencer & C. Dean (Eds.), Metaphors and therapy: Enhancing clinical supervision and education (Vol 2). CreateSpace.
Wildermuth, D. L. (2018). Incident 1.4. Response. In T. Portman, C. Wood, & H. Fye et al. (Eds.), Critical incidents in school counseling, 3rd ed. (Multicultural Counseling Issues). American Counseling Association.
Wildermuth, D. L. (2018). Lesson: What do you expect me to do. In S. Springer, L. Moss, N. Manavizadeh, & A. Pugliese (Eds.), A school counselor's guide to small groups: Coordination, leadership, & assessment. Association for Specialists in Group Work.
Wildermuth, D. L., & Smith, J., Bowlby, M., & Snyder, M. (2018, February). From anger to joy: Teaching emotional regulation to elementary age children. Presentation at the biannual Association for Specialists in Group Work National Conference, Savannah, GA.
Wildermuth, D. L., Tomlinson, B., Horchos, S., & Brown, D. (2018, October). Social emotional learning, crafting an agenda for equitable well being. Workshop presented at the 2018 Equitable Summit, Reclaiming Equitable Spaces K-12 Education in Pennsylvania and Beyond, Lebanon Valley College, Annville, PA.
Wildermuth, D. L. (2017, May). The ACA Code of Ethics (Section F, Supervision, Training and Teaching), in Counseling in America. Workshop presented to delegates from Hubei University in China, Executive Leadership in Education, Temple University.
Wildermuth, D. L., & Kendrick, E. (2016, March). What matters most in academic achievement? Acculturation or Resilience. Presented at the American Counseling Association National Conference, Montreal, Canada.