Take Your Next Steps

Consistently ranked in the top 10 by U.S. News & World Report, the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania is a national leader in education research and preparing educators to be leaders and innovators—locally, nationally, and worldwide.

A graduate student smiles at the camera, sitting and working at his laptop

How to Apply

Start your application today. Review the requirements needed to complete a successful application.  

Learn More
A student studies in the Fischer Fine Arts Library.

Tuition & Financial Assistance

Penn GSE is committed to making your graduate education affordable, and we offer generous scholarships, fellowships, and assistantships. 

Scholarships and Fellowships
An international student walks up the stairs.

International Applicants >

In addition to our standard application requirements, students with international coursework are required to submit supplemental requirements that may include course-by-course evaluations and/or test scores from the TOEFL or IELTS. Discover resources regarding student visa applications, scholarship opportunities, and more.

Students walk along Locust Walk

Options for Undergraduates >

Get a head start on your graduate education while completing your undergraduate degree, or begin to explore your interest with a minor in urban education—at no additional cost.

A students greets a professor outside of class.

Non-Degree Studies >

Explore graduate-level courses at Penn GSE for personal or professional development.

Class Profile

Data reflects all students enrolled in our degree (Ed.D., Master's, and Ph.D.) and certification-only programs as of the Fall 2024 term. 

Total Students
Enrollment Status
Full-time students85%
Part-time students15%
Age Range
Ph.D. students23-49
Ed.D. students27-71
Master's students20-63
Program Format
International Students
International students38%
Countries represented61
Languages Spoken55
Domestic Students
Domestic students62%
Hispanic or Latino/a11%
More than one Race/Ethnicity3%

Contact Information

Office of Admissions & Financial Aid
University of Pennsylvania
Graduate School of Education

3700 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104
(215) 898-6415