December 7, 2015
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On the first day of her internship at the Children’s Crisis Treatment Center (CCTC) in Philadelphia, then-student Jasmine Jenkins, GED’14, GED’15, was nearly in tears, but more convinced than ever that she had found her vocation.


  • Philadelphia Impact
  • Alumni
October 14, 2015
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Lindsey Gerdes, GED’15, speaks about her journey from advice columnist to first grade teacher.

  • Alumni
April 14, 2015
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The opportunity to learn on the ground in a Philadelphia school field placement drew Miriam Rock to Penn GSE’s Teacher Education Program.

  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni
April 14, 2014
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Nicholas Ashburn, GED’12, is executing high-impact global initiatives from Penn’s campus.

  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
April 14, 2014
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Kelly (Franquemont) Shiohira, GED’12, travelled to Johannesburg, South Africa, for her internship with the Molteno Institute for Language and Literacy, a nongovernmental organization that operates literacy projects throughout Africa.


  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
April 14, 2014
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Getting to know another country is a benefit of most students’ internships. For Emily Wallace, GED’12, experience with another two dozen countries lay ahead.


  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
April 14, 2014
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Sarah Horns, GED’11, and Khaing Zah Lynn, GED’12, speak about how their GSE skills and knowledge allowed them to make a global impact on education.

  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
April 14, 2014
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Learn how alumni prepared for careers improving education around the world through Penn GSE’s International Educational Development Program.

  • Global Initiatives
  • Alumni
December 1, 2013
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Gratitude for a fulfilling career as an educator and leader prompted Bill Reynolds, GRD’71, to become a member of the William B. Castetter Circle.

  • Faces of Philanthropy
  • Alumni
October 14, 2013
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What lies ahead for teacher supply, demand, and retention? A Penn GSE professor reveals national trends shaping the teaching profession.

  • Teaching & Learning
  • Alumni


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