Diane Waff, C’76, GRD’07, and Judy Buchanan discuss how the Philadelphia Writing Project enriches K–12 teachers’ and students’ learning and how a new initiative is cultivating Philadelphia’s youngest writers.
Character, collaboration, and project-based learning were topics of conversation when best-selling author and Penn professor Angela Duckworth joined Penn GSE Dean Pam Grossman for a discussion during Penn’s Homecoming Weekend.
Penn GSE Professor of Practice Michael J. Nakkula discusses his work investigating what approaches can improve students’ life trajectories, how schools can better serve students, and what he enjoys most about teaching GSE students.
Inspired by the maker movement and their Penn GSE coursework, two students in Penn GSE’s Urban Teaching Residency master’s program partnered to overhaul the innovation lab at Christina Seix Academy.
Whether by galvanizing urgent conversations, empowering educators, inspiring entrepreneurs, or propelling innovative degree programs, Penn GSE is at the forefront of transforming education for a changing world.