Selected Publications
Chan, W., & Oh, J. (2023). Robust small area estimation for generalization. Journal of Experimental Education, 91(3), 539–556.
Chan, W., & Hedges, L. V. (2022). Pooling interactions into error terms in multisite experiments. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 47(6), 639–665.
Chan, W., Oh, J., & Luo, P. (2021). The implications of population changes on generalization and study design. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 14(2), 471–500.
Chan, W. (forthcoming, 2021). Analysis of variance. In R. Coe, M. Waring, L. V. Hedges, & L. D. Ashley (Eds.), Research methods & methodologies in education (3rd ed.). SAGE Publishing.
Chan, W. (2022). The role of distributional overlap on the precision gain of bounds for generalization. American Journal of Evaluation, 43(1), 90–107.
Chan, W., Hedges, L. V., & Hedberg, E. C. (2020). The impact of downstream clustering in longitudinal studies. Journal of Experimental Education.
Chan, W. (2019). An evaluation of bounding approaches for generalization. Journal of Experimental Education. Advanced online publication.
Chan, W. (2019). The relation among design parameters for statistical power between continuous and binomial outcomes in cluster randomized trials. Psychological Methods, 24(2), 179-195.
Chan, W. (2018). Applications of small area estimation to generalization with subclassification by propensity scores. Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics, 43(2), 182–224.
Chan, W. (2017). Partially identified treatment effects for generalizability. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 10(3), 646–669.
Tipton, E., Hallberg, K., Hedges, L. V., and Chan, W. (2016). Implications of small samples for generalization: Adjustments and rules of thumb. Evaluation Review (Special Issue: External Validity 2), 41(5), 472–505.
Kang, J., Chan, W., Kim, M. O., & Steiner, P. M. (2016). Practice of causal inference with the propensity of being zero or one: Assessing the effect of arbitrary cutoffs of propensity scores. Communications for Statistical Applications and Methods, 23(1), 1–20.