Selected Publications
Matsumoto, Y. (accepted). Seeing multilingual learner agency and interactional competence through a multimodal examination of the humor construction in second language classroom interactions. Applied Pragmatics.
Matsumoto, Y. (2022). Multilingual international students’ communicative practice in U.S. university classrooms: Rethinking appropriate Englishes through English as a lingua franca perspectives. Harvard Educational Review, 92(4), 486–507.
Matsumoto, Y., Lee, J., & Kim, E. (2022). “Laughing Moments”: The complex negotiation of laughing acts among students and teachers in an English as a second language classroom. Classroom Discourse, 13, 32–63.
Matsumoto, Y. (2021). Student-initiated use of smartphones in multilingual writing classrooms: Making learner agency and multiple involvements visible. The Modern Language Journal, 105(s1), 142–174. (top-cited article, 2020-2021)
Guerrettaz, A. M., Engman, M., & Matsumoto, Y. (2021). Empirically defining language learning and teaching materials in use through sociomaterial perspectives. The Modern Language Journal, 105(s1), 3–20. (top cited article, 2020-2021)
Matsumoto, Y., & Canagarajah, S. (2020). The use of gesture, gesture hold, and gaze in trouble-in-talk among multilingual interlocutors in an English as a lingua franca context. Journal of Pragmatics, 169, 245–267.
Matsumoto, Y. (2019). Exploring epistemological expansions of English as a lingua franca. TESOL Quarterly (Invited research issue), 53(2), 566–578.
Matsumoto, Y. (2019). Material moments: The roles of materials in multilingual writing classroom ecology. The Modern Language Journal, 103(1), 179–204.
Matsumoto, Y. (2019). Embodied actions as powerful interactional resources for teaching in a L2 writing classroom. In J. K. Hall & S. Looney (Eds.), The embodied, interactional achievement of teaching (pp. 181–197). Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters.
Matsumoto, Y. (2018). “Because we are peers, we actually understand”: Third-party participant assistance in English as a lingua franca classroom interactions. TESOL Quarterly, 52(4), 845–876.
Matsumoto, Y. (2018). Functions of laughter in English-as-a-lingua-franca classroom interactions: A multimodal ensemble of verbal and nonverbal interactional resources at miscommunication moments. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 7(2), 229–260.
Matsumoto, Y. (2018). At challenging but “learning” moments: Roles of nonverbal interactional resources for dealing with conflicts in English as a lingua franca classroom interactions. Linguistics and Education, 48, 35–51.
O’Neal, G. & Matsumoto, Y. (2018). Beyond intelligibility: Negotiating “transintelligibility” in English as a lingua franca interactions. International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 29(1), 44–60.
Matsumoto, Y., & Dobs, A. (2017). Pedagogical gestures as interactional resources for teaching tense and aspect in the ESL classroom. Language Learning, 67(1), 7–42.
Canagarajah, S., & Matsumoto, Y. (2017). Negotiating voice in translingual literacies: From literacy regimes to contact zones. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 38(5), 390–406.
Matsumoto, Y. (2014). Collaborative co-construction of humorous interaction among ELF speakers. Journal of English as a Lingua Franca, 3(1), 81–107.
Matsumoto, Y. (2011). Successful ELF communications and implications for ELT: Sequential analysis on ELF pronunciation negotiation strategies. Modern Language Journal, 95(1), 97–114.