Selected Publications
Published Research Tools
Dong, N., Kelcy, B., Spybrook, J., & Maynard, R. A. (2016). PowerUp! Moderator: A tool for calculating statistical power and minimum detectable effect size differences of the moderator effects in cluster randomized trials. [Software].
Dong, N., Kelcy, B., Spybrook, J., & Maynard, R. . (2016). PowerUp! Mediator: A tool for calculating statistical power for causally-defined mediation in cluster randomized trials. [Software].
Dong, N., & Maynard, R. (2013). PowerUp!: Main Effects: A tool for calculating minimum detectable effect sizes and sample size requirements for experimental and quasi-experimental designs. [Software].
Selected Books, Articles, and Research Reports
Maynard, R., Baelen, R., Fein, D., Shivji, A., & Souvanna, P. (2018, June 18). Improving learning & development completion: Experimenting with alternative strategies for monitoring & supporting academics in the PTC. Post-read for Year Up staff conversation. Bethesda, MD: Abt Associates.
Anderson, D., Spybrook, J., & Maynard, R. (2018). REES: A Registry of efficacy and effectiveness studies in education. Educational Researcher. DOI: 0013189X18810513
Maynard, R. (July 2018). The role of federal agencies in the design and administration of evidence-based policies. Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Sciences, 678(1), 134–144.
Maynard, R. (2018). The practice and promise of policy analysis and program evaluation to improve decision-making within the U.S. federal government. In J. Hird (Ed.), Policy analysis in the United States. Bristol, UK: Policy Press at the University of Bristol, (pp. 93–112).
Maynard, R., Goldstein, N., & Nightingale, D. (2016). Program and policy evaluations in practice: Highlights from the federal perspective. In L. Peck (Ed.), New directions for evaluation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass/Wiley (pp. 109–134). DOI: 10.1002/ev.20209
Granger, R., & Maynard R. A. (2015). Unlocking the potential of the "What Works" approach to policymaking and practice: Improving impact evaluations. American Journal of Evaluation. DOI: 10.1177/1098214015594420
Orr, L., & Maynard, R. (2015). Social experiments. In J. B. Wright (Ed.), International encyclopedia of the social and behavioral sciences, 2nd ed. Amsterdam: Elsevier (pp. 291–300).
Earle, J., Maynard, R., & Neild, R. (Joint Committee Co-Chairs). (2013). Common guidelines for education research and development. Washington, DC: Institute of Education Sciences & National Science Foundation.
Nianbo, N., & Maynard, R. (2013). PowerUp!: A tool for calculating minimum detectable effect sizes and minimum required sample sizes for experimental and quasi-experimental design studies. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 6(1), 24–67. DOI: 10.1080/19345747.2012.673143
Hawkinson, L. E., Griffen, A., Dong, N., & Maynard, R. (2012). The relationship between child care subsidies and children’s cognitive development. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28(2), 388–404. DOI:
Metzger, C., Maynard, R. Vultaggio, J., Daizen, T., Promboon, S., Ip, K., Park, S. (2010). A comparative perspective on the secondary and post-secondary education systems in six nations: Hong Kong, Japan, Switzerland, South Korea, Thailand and the United States. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2(2), 1511–1519. DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2010.03.227.
Ritter, G., & Maynard, R. (2008). Using the right design to get the wrong answer? Results of a random assignment evaluation of a volunteer tutoring program. Journal of Children's Services, 3(2), 4–16.
Hoffman, S., & Maynard, R. (co-editors & contributing authors). (2008). Kids having kids: Economic costs and social consequences of teenage pregnancy. Washington, DC: Urban Institute Press.
Dong, N., Maynard, R., & Perez-Johnson, I. (2008). Averaging effect sizes within and across studies of interventions aimed at improving child outcomes. Child Development Perspectives, 2(3), 187–197.
Maynard, R., & Hoffman, S. (2008). The costs of adolescent childbearing. In S. Hoffman & R. Maynard (Eds.), Kids having kids: Economic costs and social consequences of teen pregnancy. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press (pp. 359–402).
Dong, N., Maynard, R., & Perez-Johnson, I. (2008). Averaging effect sizes within and across studies of interventions aimed at improving child outcomes. Child Development Perspectives, 2(3), 187–197.
Herman, R., Dawson, P., Dee, T., Greene, J., Maynard, R., Redding, S., & Dawson, M. (2008). Turning around chronically low-performing schools: A Practice guide (NCEE #2008-4020). Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Education.
Amato, P., & Maynard, R. (Fall 2007). Decreasing nonmarital births and increasing marriage to reduce poverty. The Future of Children, 17(2), 117–141.
Herman, R., Boruch, R., Powel, R., & Maynard, R. (2007). Overcoming the challenge: A response to Alan Schoenfeld’s “What Doesn’t Work." American Education Research Journal, 35(2), 22–23.
Perez-Johnson, I., & Maynard, R. (2007). The case for early targeted interventions to prevent academic failure. Peabody Journal of Education, 82(4), 589–616.
Maynard, R., & Wilcox, B. (2007). Conducting field experiments of setting-level policies and practices. New York: William T. Grant Foundation Annual Report.
Maynard, R. (2006). Presidential address: Evidence-based decision making: What will it take for the decision makers to care? Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 25(2), 1–17.
LaLonde, R., & Maynard, R. LaLonde, R., & Maynard, R. (1987). How precise are evaluations of employment and training programs? Evaluation Review, 11(4), 428–451
Fraker, T., & Maynard, R. (1987). The adequacy of comparison groups designs for evaluations of employment-related programs. Journal of Human Resources, 22(2), 194–227.