Selected Publications
Moore, R. (2013). Reinventing ethnopoetics. Journal of Folklore Research, 50(1-3): 13–39.
Moore, R., Madsen, L., & Blommaert, J. (2013). 'Taking up speech' in an endangered language: Bilingual discourse in a heritage language classroom. UK Linguistic Ethnography Forum Seminar Discussion and Comments (edited by Jef Van der Aa). Tilburg Papers in Culture Studies, Paper 69.
Moore, R. (2012). 'Taking up speech' in an endangered language: Bilingual discourse in a heritage language classroom. University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Educational Linguistics 27(2): 57–78.
Moore, R. (2011). Overhearing Ireland: Mediatized personae in Irish accent culture. Language & Communication 31(3): 229–242.
Moore, R. (2011). “If I actually talked like that, I’d pull a gun on myself”: Accent, avoidance, and moral panic in contemporary Irish English. Anthropological Quarterly, 84(1): 41–64.
Moore, R. (2011, June). Ben Zimmer “On Language” in the New York Times Magazine and the new public linguistics. American Anthropologist, 113(1): 340–344.
Moore, R. (2011). Standardisation, diversity and enlightenment in the contemporary crisis of EU language policy. King’s College London Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies 74.
Moore, R., Pietikainen, S., & Bloommaert, J. 2010. Counting the losses: Numbers as the language of language endangerment. Studies in Sociolinguistics, 4(1): 1–26.
Moore, R. (2009). From performance to print, and back: Ethnopoetics as social practice in Alice Florendo’s corrigenda to “Raccoon and his Grandmother.” Text & Talk, 29(3): 295–324.
Moore, R. (2008). The Warm Springs Project: Reed anthropology in the postwar moment. Reed Magazine 87(1): 12–17.
Moore, R. (2007). From endangered to dangerous: Two types of sociolinguistic inequality (with examples from Ireland & the US). King’s College London Working Papers in Urban Language and Literacies, 45.
Moore, R. (2007). Images of Irish English in the formation of Irish publics, 1600-present. Irish Journal of Anthropology, 10(1): 18–29.
Moore, R. (2006). Disappearing, Inc.: ways of writing in the politics of access to “endangered languages”. Language & Communication, 26: 296–315.
Moore, R (2006). Ceremonialism, self-consciousness, and the problem of the present in North American Indian Studies. In S. Kan and P.T. Strong (eds.), New perspectives on Native North America: Cultures, histories and representations, pp. 185–208. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press.
Moore, R. (2003). From genericide to viral marketing: on ‘brand.’ Language & Communication, 23: 331–357.
Moore, R. (2001). “Indian dandies.” Sartorial finesse and self-presentation along the Columbia River, 1790–1855. In S. Fillin-Yeh (ed.), Dandies: Fashion and finesse in art and culture, pp. 59–100. New York: New York University Press.
Moore, R. (1999). Endangered. Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, 9(1-2): 65–68.
Moore, R. (1993). Performance form and the voices of characters in five versions of the Wasco Coyote Cycle. In J. A. Lucy (ed.), Reflexive language: Reported speech and metapragmatics, pp. 213–240. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Moore, R. (1988). Lexicalization vs. lexical loss in Wasco-Wishram language obsolescence. International Journal of American Linguistics, 54(4): 453–468.