Selected Publications
Wollman, J.E, Dalik, A.G, Gutman, T. & Kevorkian, T.R. (2023). Future scenarios: A powerful tool for envisioning change. Journal of Higher Education Management, 38(4), 21-32.
Wollman, J. E., & Wallis, J. M. (2023, February 28). Let’s pay more attention to colleges that educate the vast majority of Americans. The Hechinger Report.
Dunens, E., Wollman, J., Lundy-Wagner, V., & Whitefield, K. (2022, November). Now entering the “learning phase”: Postsecondary reflections, lessons learned, and lingering uncertainties from COVID-19. Interactive Symposium presented at Association for the Study of Higher Education, Las Vegas, NV.
Wollman, J. E. (2022, June). Innovative strategy development for collegiate athletics. Paper presented at American Association of University Administrators Leadership Seminar, Miami, FL.
Thompson, J., Wollman, J., & Kucirka, B. (2021, October). A lockdown inside a lockdown: Self-discovery and advocacy through the pandemic’s narrow path. Panel presented on the logistics and outcomes of continuing our prison education program at the Conference on Community Writing, online [due to pandemic].
Spall, T., Wollman, J., Thompson, J., & Kucirka, B. (2021, September). Literature and belongingness: A post-traumatic growth program. Panel presented on prison education program at the 59th Annual Correctional Education Region 1 Conference, Cape May, New Jersey.
Wollman, J. E., & Herschede, K. (2021, June). An innovative approach to strategy: Envisioning inspiring scenarios instead of lackluster plans. Paper presented at American Association of University Administrators Leadership Seminar, online [due to pandemic].
Wollman, J. E., Hartley, M., & Herschede, K. (2020, November 23). Transparency, trust and common goals. Inside Higher Ed.
Wollman, J. E. (2020). Women’s leadership: An outdated concept that won’t go away. Journal of Higher Education Management, 35, 115–117.
Wollman, J. E., & Herschede, K. (2020, Jan/Feb). To improve new board member orientation, flip it! Trusteeship. Association of Governing Boards.
Wollman, J. E. (2019, November). An international view on the transformative value of prison based educational programs. Paper presented at International Conference on Education Research and Innovation, Sevilla, Spain.
Wollman, J. E. (2019, April 23). A burst pipe brings a flood of insights for a university president. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Wollman, J. E. (2017, December 12). Is this tax plan a dream-crusher for higher ed’s foodservice workers, maintenance staff and housekeepers? The Hechinger Report.
Wollman, J. E. (2016, October 24). Achieving lasting impact. Inside Higher Ed.
Wollman, J. E. (2015, May 1). Lessons learned. Inside Higher Ed.
Wollman. J. E. (2014, August 12). Becoming a freshman, again. Inside Higher Ed.