Lifelong Learning

You may no longer be a student, but that doesn’t mean you have to stop learning.

Tap into the many possibilities for lifelong learning on campus and beyond. Visit Penn Alumni Education for an overview of opportunities and visit the FAQ page for additional details.

Connect and Learn

Penn Alumni Reading Club

Join the Penn Alumni Reading Club, a faculty-led book club exclusively for Penn alumni. Occurring twice a semester, this opportunity runs on-campus and online events simultaneously, offering alumni across the globe the opportunity to pose questions, think critically, and engage intellectually with world-renowned faculty members and fellow Quakers.

Experience Penn

Alumni Education invites you to “Experience Penn” through a variety of exclusive, off-campus educational opportunities by bringing together alumni and faculty to learn through shared, often behind-the-scenes, experiences.

Penn Alumni Travel

Penn Alumni Travel offers a wide variety of tours to destinations around the world. Our trips provide a rich travel experience thanks to their educational character, unique access to special lectures with Penn faculty, and the camaraderie of like-minded intellectually curious travelers.

Virtual Globetrotter Series

Join us for an exciting spin around the world in our Virtual Globetrotter Series. Each online session offers insider information about specific destinations presented by an expert Penn faculty member. Bring your questions: these events are live and interactive, and we're here to answer your travel questions.

Arts and Culture

Explore the Arts and Culture scene at Penn! From the one-of-a-kind museums on campus to accomplished student performances in music, dance, and theater, culture and the arts play a leading role in life at Penn.

Library Access for Alumni

Explore the possibilities of Alumni Services at Penn Libraries. Visit Penn Libraries virtually through the library's e-resources and digital collections or in person to view an exhibit, attend a lecture, browse the stacks, or to see what's new in your favorite library space.

Back to the classroom

Online Learning Initiative

Penn is strongly committed to open learning — a vital part of our mission is to increase access around the world, and share educational resources that can change people’s lives. The Online Learning Initiative uses platforms like Coursera and edX to reach alumni around the globe.

Faculty Lecture Series

The Faculty Lecture Series through Penn Alumni Education hosts online lectures featuring Penn’s dynamic faculty members. These live, interactive webinars offer Penn alumni an exclusive opportunity to engage in dialogue, ask in-depth questions, and explore points of interest with Penn professors without leaving their homes or workplaces.

Take Classes on Campus

Through partnerships across Penn, alumni can enroll in undergraduate courses in the School of Arts and Sciences (SAS) through the Penn Alumni Program at the College of Liberal and Professional Studies (LPS). Alumni wishing to audit courses may apply through LPS and can learn more by contacting LPS for more information. Alumni who are 65 years or older may participate in the Senior Audition Program at a reduced cost.

Resources for our community, by our community

Knowledge Hub at Consortium for Policy Research in Education (CPRE)

The CPRE Knowledge Hub strives to improve knowledge sharing, relevant research, and interactions amongst education researchers, policymakers, and practitioners around persistent and challenging problems in education. They offer a variety of opportunities for virtual engagement, including Cool Thinking on Hot Topics, a series that brings together stakeholders from across the field of education to discuss and synthesize critical educational issues; Policy Matters, featuring interviews with national and international education policymakers and practitioners to highlight the policies and practices that education decision-makers are using to address challenges, factors that have influenced their choices, and lessons learned; Research Minutes, a weekly podcast about current and rigorous educational research; and The Commons, a reserved interactive space for sponsored work sessions on specific issues and topics.

Faculty Bookshelf

Visit the Penn GSE Faculty Bookshelf to see a running list of publications.

Penn GSE Research Centers

For field-specific information, events, resources, and publications for practitioners and researchers, explore faculty-led Penn GSE Research Centers.

Stay Up-to-Date with Penn GSE

Learn about the latest news from the Penn GSE community by visiting the Penn GSE Newsroom, checking out Faculty in the Media, and reading the latest issue of The Penn GSE Magazine. Penn GSE offers a variety of newsletters, mailing lists, and platforms focused on a broad range of topics that allow alumni to continue their professional growth. Click below to learn more and sign up.

The Bell

Penn GSE’s quarterly update on the latest education research, news, and actionable information for educators and policymakers.

The Educator's Playbook

Penn GSE faculty members distill their research in this useful newsletter for K-12 educators.

Penn GSE Alumni Newsletter

All Penn GSE alumni receive a monthly email that provides insight into the work of GSE faculty, students, and alumni, shares opportunities for engagements, and information about upcoming events. Share your interest with us to inform future issues. If you are not receiving the Newsletter, update your information with us here.

Research Minutes Podcast

Produced by CPRE Knowledge Hub, Research Minutes tells the story of education research and policy.

Penn GSE Research Centers

For field-specific information, events, resources, and publications for practitioners and researchers, explore faculty-led Penn GSE Research Centers.

Penn Today

This e-newsletter features University faculty, staff, and student profiles, research updates, and the latest happenings from across campus.