Penn GSE News
Ameena Ghaffar-Kucher, associate director of the International Educational Development Program, has earned an Outstanding Book Award for her new edited volume, Refugees, Immigrants and Education in the Global South: Lives in Motion.
Penn GSE News
GSE professor Rand Quinn's unique class creates teams of graduate and undergraduate students from across Penn to improve community engagement in Philadelphia’s schools.
Penn GSE News
April 21, 2014 –Scholarship support is in full bloom this month at Penn GSE, where the Annual Fund April Challenge offered by Overseer Josh Berlin, W’95, MD, FAAD, has achieved its $10,000 goal ahead of schedule.
Penn GSE News
April 14, 2014

Getting to know another country is a benefit of most students’ internships. For Emily Wallace, GED’12, experience with another two dozen countries lay ahead.

Penn GSE News
April 14, 2014

Kelly (Franquemont) Shiohira, GED’12, travelled to Johannesburg, South Africa, for her internship with the Molteno Institute for Language and Literacy, a nongovernmental organization that operates literacy projects throughout Africa.

Penn GSE News
April 14, 2014

Sarah Horns, GED’11, and Khaing Zah Lynn, GED’12, speak about how their GSE skills and knowledge allowed them to make a global impact on education.

Penn GSE News
April 14, 2014

Nicholas Ashburn, GED’12, is executing high-impact global initiatives from Penn’s campus.

Penn GSE News
April 14, 2014

Learn how alumni prepared for careers improving education around the world through Penn GSE’s International Educational Development Program.

Penn GSE News
All three 2013­–2014 campaigns offered through the community focused crowd-funding initiative Microgiving @ Penn GSE have exceeded their goals.
Penn GSE News
Massive open online courses (MOOCs) have taken higher education by surprise, with some courses attracting more than 100,000 registered students. Whether researching MOOCs users, focusing on the potential for MOOCs in the developing world, or hosting a lecture series, Penn GSE faculty and students are examining this emerging trend. The Next Generation MOOCs lecture series presents four speakers who will evaluate and explain how MOOCs have changed higher education.
Penn GSE News
Penn GSE and five other Penn schools are hosting an invitation-only conference April 10-11 on MOOCs in developing countries. MOOCs4D brings together leading scholars, administrators, policy makers and technologists from over 25 countries to spark dialogue.
Penn GSE News
New dean joins Penn GSE on January 1, 2015. Former Stanford professor is an expert on teaching and teaching practices.
