Penn GSE News
February 15, 2023
A montage of alternating book covers. The two new books in the montage were written by Penn GSE professors Sigal Ben-Porath and Jonathan Zimmerman.

Sigal Ben-Porath and Jonathan Zimmerman study the boundaries of free speech and censorship in classrooms and curriculums.

Jonathan A. Supovitz, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 13, 2023
, Houston Chronicle

What to know if your child’s Houston school received a failing grade from Children at Risk

Jonathan Supovitz says that indicators of good schools for parents might include surveys of parent satisfaction, attendance rates, and district funding beyond state contributions.

Penn GSE News
February 10, 2023

In the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette, Penn GSE doctoral candidate Angus McLeod examines how education in Pennsylvania will evolve now that its public school finance system has been ruled unconstitutional.

Caroline L. Watts, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 8, 2023

How one Philadelphia teen shooting survivor navigates trauma and recovery with family and friends by his side

Dr. Caroline Watts believes that some students may require additional support due to developing a chronic fear of violence.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
February 3, 2023
, The Washington Times

Survey finds Americans divided over how much attention to give Black History Month

Most adults think Black History Month is integral to the American story — but they disagree over whether it gets too much attention, according to a recent survey focused on polarization around American history and how to defuse the culture wars.
The results mean public schools need to do a better job of teaching both the history of minority groups and “what binds all of us together,” says Professor Jonathan Zimmerman, a #PennGSEExpert in the history of education.
Penn GSE News
February 3, 2023
A photo in a classroom. Professor Sade Bonilla is leaning down at desk level to talk with two of her seated students whose backs are to the camera. They are all deep in conversation.

Bonilla found that an ethnic studies course in a Bay area district increased engagement and graduation rates for students identified as “at-risk” of dropping out of high school. Now the state of California will see if ethnic studies can help every student in the state – an optimistic goal that’s not without challenges, she explains.

Sigal Ben-Porath, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 31, 2023
, Canada Today

Minister says Alberta should “strengthen” free speech on campus as U of L halts controversial lecture

Sigal Ben-Porath criticized the "Chicago principles" in 2018, saying they offer false assurance to colleges and universities in relation to free speech.

Penn GSE News
January 31, 2023

Growing up, Ismael Jimenez loved learning but not school. Now an adjunct professor in Penn GSE's UTAP program, Jimenez explains what he means and makes the case that Africana Studies can save education in a recent op-ed for Education Week.

Penn GSE News
January 30, 2023
A close-up of a senior staff member signing his name with a white marker on a blue Penn flag. It will be flown above the construction project over the next few months.

The newly combined building “topped off” this week as part of the School’s first large construction project since 2001. Enrollment has more than doubled since then.

Nicole Mittenfelner Carl, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 29, 2023
, Philadelphia Inquirer

This Philly-area elementary school saw test scores plummet. Now it’s putting all its resources toward catching up.

Nicole Carl says that teachers are feeling pressure from administrators to boost test scores.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 24, 2023
, KOTA Territory

South Dakota lawmakers: Teach ‘American exceptionalism’ in schools

Zimmerman noted that "American exceptionalism" is a rallying cry for the political right, but is not enshrined in law as an educational goal.

Pam Grossman, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 23, 2023
, The Atlanta Journal-Constitutional

Need more teachers? Why not groom students?

Dean Pam Grossman says that teaching programs should recruit locally, explaining that many people will teach within 30 miles of where they went to high school.

Jonathan Zimmerman, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 23, 2023
, Elle

Why Hoop Earrings Are More Than Just an Accessory

Zimmerman explains that hoop earrings were popular among both genders long before they were referenced in rap songs. 

Laura W. Perna, Penn GSE
In the Media
January 19, 2023
, The GW Hatchet

Pell Grant increase will fall short of significant financial relief for GW recipients: experts

Laura Perna explained that net price calculators can help Pell-eligible families determine financial aid eligibility, but not all universities have compliant calculators with updated cost information.

Penn GSE News
January 18, 2023
Susan Basso, Diane Eynon, Pam Grossman, and Lawrence P. Ward standing together at a gala event, dressed in suits and smiling.

The annual event draws educators from around the country for a 3-day conference focused on equitable outcomes. Program alum Lawrence P. Ward and Dean Pam Grossman also received awards for their leadership.
