Penn GSE News
June 28, 2016

The eSchool 360 program in rural Zambia uses strength of Penn GSE's quantitative methods research to inform the Impact Network's schools. 

Joni Finney, Penn GSE
In the Media
June 26, 2016
, Connecticut Post

Study: State ranks 21st in college affordability

An analysis of Connecticut's ranking in Joni Finney's College Affordability Diagnosis report.

Joni Finney, Penn GSE
Penn GSE News
June 23, 2016

The higher education leadership forum, held June 21, 2016, featured Penn GSE faculty, alumnus, and student.

Penn GSE News
June 22, 2016

The bioMAKERlab will work with a Philadelphia high school and the Franklin Institute. 

Alan R. Ruby, Penn GSE
In the Media
June 21, 2016
, University World News

A Brexit vote would signal ‘You are not welcome here’

Penn AHEAD's Alan Ruby comments on the Brexit vote's potential impact on higher education in the UK. 

In the Media
June 20, 2016
, Inside Higher Ed

Racial Literacy as a Professor's Responsibility

At AAUP, Shaun Harper decided to crowdsource inspiration for his keynote on faculty members' role and responsibilities regarding classroom conversations about race.

In the Media
, NBC News

Off the Court: Are Colleges Preparing Gifted Athletes for Life After Sports?

The 2013 study from the Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education provides evidence that the answer is no. 

Laura W. Perna, Penn GSE
In the Media
June 19, 2016
, Diverse Issues

Will LeBron James’ Assist Actually Get Disadvantaged Youth Through College?

"Money alone is not enough," says Laura Perna, commenting on college promise scholarship programs.  

Penn GSE News
June 16, 2016

Dean Pam Grossman comments on a provision in Michigan's bailout of Detroit schools allowing uncertified teachers, based on her research in NYC schools. 

Penn GSE News
June 14, 2016

DeFlaminis recently wrote a guidebook for implementing distributed leadership principles. 

In the Media
June 10, 2016
, Philadelphia Inquirer

Commentary: As charters grow, Phila. should rethink future of schools

In this op-ed, Torch Lytle asks: What are the implications of charter-school growth for the city?

Marybeth Gasman, Penn GSE
In the Media
June 9, 2016
, Inside Higher Ed

The Value of Our Daughters

The Stanford University sexual assault case raises crucial issues about gender, class and race, writes Marybeth Gasman.

Penn GSE News
June 1, 2016

Native West Philadelphian, founding principal of Thomas Elementary in South Philadelphia, and former special education teacher excited to step into new role at the partnership school. 

Penn GSE News
May 31, 2016

As the academic year closes, Penn GSE students and alumni have received awards and recognition in Philadelphia and around the world for their continued efforts to improve education.

In the Media
May 31, 2016
, Philadelphia Tribune

Through partnerships, Kensington Health Sciences Academy to open health center

Penn GSE will be involved in providing counseling and social work services for the center as part of the Penn Futures Project

In the Media
May 24, 2016
, Chronicle of Higher Education

At the End of a Watershed Year, Can Student Activists Sustain Momentum?

Shaun Harper comments on takeaways from the past year of campus activism. 
