With a student population that is more diverse than ever, educators often face the exciting yet challenging task of creating learning environments that not only accommodate but celebrate the rich differences in backgrounds, experiences and identities of their students.
In this episode of the Educator's Playbook, host Kimberly McGlonn discusses the intricacies and importance of inclusivity and diversity in K-12 classrooms with two Penn GSE experts. She's joined first by Maria Cioè-Peña, a respected education researcher focusing on bilingual and disabled students. Maria's insights, enriched by her extensive research and experience, shed light on adaptive strategies teachers can use to transform their classrooms into supportive spaces where every student's story is acknowledged and valued. Then, licensed clinical psychologist Kyle Schultz shares effective and empathetic tactics for supporting students. For example, he explains how teachers can subtly create nurturing, safe spaces by incorporating different signifiers of queer experience around the classroom. Whether it's a pride flag, equality sticker, books, or magazines, the items reinforce that the classroom is a welcoming environment for LGBTQ+ students and allies.
The Educator's Playbook podcast is produced in Philadelphia with partner RADIOKISMET.