New Penn CLO program director knows how to turn career professionals into educational leaders

November 18, 2022
Raghu Krishnamoorthy head shot

Raghu Krishnamoorthy wanted to leverage his 25 years of human resources leadership experience at General Electric to enter academia. Though he was teaching at Columbia University as guest faculty, he felt he lacked academic credentials. He enrolled as a doctoral student in the Penn Graduate School of Education (GSE) Chief Learning Officer (CLO) program. There he worked with fellow “lifelong learners” looking to transition from their own mid- to senior-level corporate careers into an educational leadership role.

Krishnamoorthy did not expect to end up leading the same CLO program from which he had just graduated the month before. “It’s a privilege to be responsible for the program where you were a student,” Krishnamoorthy says. “We believe that workplaces around the world are filled with untapped potential. We prepare leaders who bring forth the full potential of humans for work at work.” 

You can learn more about the CLO program and its new leader in this article: