As the world increasingly demands a workforce that can respond to an accelerated pace of change, it is more important than ever for educational and workplace leaders to prepare lifelong learners. Four leadership programs at Penn GSE, highlighted in the latest cover story of The Penn GSE Magazine, are making a powerful impact across preK–12 schools, higher education, and workplace learning.
“At a time of incredible flux, education needs leaders who are prepared to respond to the accelerated rate of change, to turn challenges into opportunities, and to develop innovative solutions to complex problems," says Penn GSE Dean Pam Grossman. "No other Ivy League school of education offers the range of leadership programs that Penn GSE has."
The magazine’s Spring 2022 issue also puts a spotlight on leadership through stories of alumni shaping the workforce of the future, a conversation with new faculty member and former superintendent Dr. Andrea Kane, and an update on the Penn GSE Center for Professional Learning.
Other features highlight master’s students expanding opportunities for learners, the recent groundbreaking ceremony for Penn GSE’s building expansion, and stories of support for the mission of the School.