Selected Publications
Dache, A. (2021). Bus-riding from barrio to college: A qualitative geographic information systems (GIS) analysis. The Journal of Higher Education.
Dache, A., Blue, J., Bovell, D., Miguest, D., Osifeso, S., & Tucux, F. (2021). A Calle decolonial hack: Afro-Latin theorizing of Philadelphia's spaces of learning and resistance. Teaching in Higher Education.
Dache, A., & McGuire, K. (2021). Coming back home to live and not die: A human geography of a working-class Black gay male navigating the U.S. higher education pipeline. Urban Education 56(6), 872–900.
Tachine, A., Patel, P., & Dache, A. (2021). Social location, intersectionality and reflexivity. International Journal for Qualitive Studies in Education.
Dache, A. (2019). Ferguson’s Black radical imagination and the scyborgs of community-student resistance. Review of Higher Education 42, 63–84.
Dache, A. (2019). Teaching a transnational ethic of Black Lives Matter: An AfroCubana Americana’s theory of Calle. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education 32(9), 1094–1107.
Dache, A., Haywood, J., & Mislan, C. (2019). A badge of honor not shame: An AfroLatina theory of Black-imiento for higher education research. Journal of Negro Education 88(2), 130–145.
White, J. & Dache, A. (2019). “A lot of inner-city kids”: How financial aid policies and practices reflect the social field of color-blind racism at a community college urban campus. Community College Journal of Research and Practice 44(1), 15–29.
Reyes, M., Dache-Gerbino, A., Rios-Aguillar, C., Diel-Amen, R., & Gonzalez Canche, M. G. (2019). The ‘geography of opportunity’ in community colleges: The role of the local labor market in students’ decisions to persist and succeed. Community College Review 47(1), 31–52.
Dache-Gerbino, A. (2018). College desert and oasis: A critical geographic college access analysis of urban decline. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education 11(2), 97–116.
Dache-Gerbino, A., Kiyama, J. M., & Sapp, V.T. (2018). The dangling carrot: Proprietary institutions and lack of college choice for Latina students. Review of Higher Education, 42(1), 20–60.
Dache-Gerbino, A., Aguayo, D., Griffin, M., Hairston, S. L., Hamilton, C., Krause, C., Lane-Bonds, D., & Sweeney, H. (2018). (Re)imagined geographies: A critical geography and urban higher education class explores postcolonial spaces post-Ferguson. Research in Education, 104(1), 3–23.
Mislan, C., & Dache-Gerbino, A. (2018). The struggle for ‘our streets’: The digital and physical spatial politics of the Ferguson Movement. Social Movement Studies, 17(6), 676–696.
Mislan, C. & Dache-Gerbino, A. (2018). Not a Twitter revolution: Anti-neoliberal and antiracist resistance in the Ferguson Movement. International Journal of Communication, 12, 2622–2640.
Dache-Gerbino, A. (2017). Mapping the postcolonial across urban and suburban college access geographies. Equity and Excellence in Education, 50(4), 368–386.
Dache-Gerbino, A., & White, J. (2016). College students or criminals? A postcolonial geographic analysis of the social field of whiteness at an urban community college branch campus and suburban main campus. Community College Review, 44(1), 49–69.
Kiyama, J. M., Harris, D. M., & Dache-Gerbino, A. (2016). Fighting for respeto: Latina stories of resistance shaping educational opportunities. Teachers College Record, 118, 120301, 1–50.
Sapp, V. T., Kiyama, J. M., & Dache-Gerbino, A. (2016). Against all odds: Latinas activate agency to secure access to college. NASPA Journal of Women in Higher Education, 9(1), 39–55.