Selected Publications
Jonbekova, D., Ruby, A., Kerimkulova, S., Sparks, J., Jumakulov, Z., Kim, T., & Serkova, E., (2024). Maximizing the benefits to the nation from government scholarships for international education in Kazakhstan. Central Asian Bureau for Analytical Reporting.
Ruby, A., & Lin, J. (2023, July 15). QS’ global university rankings revamp is a leap backwards. University World News.
Ruby, A. (2023, April 1). Russian in Egypt’s schools: A new take on “The Great Game.” University World News.
Jonbekova, D., Serkova, E., Kerimkulova, S., Jumakulov, Z., Sparks, J., & Ruby, A. (2022). Mezhdunarodnoe obrazovanie I vklad v razvitie svoei strany: Opyt vypusknikov gosudarstvennyh stipendialnyh programm Kazakhstana [International education and contribution to the development of their country: Experience of graduates of state scholarship programs of Kazakhstan]. SDU Bulletin: Social Sciences, 61(4), 12–25.
Jonbekova, D., Serkova, Y., Mazbulova, Z., Jumakulov, Z., & Ruby, A. (2022). How international higher education graduates contribute to their home country: an example from government scholarship recipients in Kazakhstan [Blog post]. Higher Education Research & Development – Taylor & Francis Online.
Kim, T., Jonbekova, D., Kerimkulova, S., Jumakulov, Z., Sparks, J., & Ruby, A. (2022). Trudoustroystvo vypusknikov s mezhdunarodnym obrazovaniyem: Problemy ekonomiki i soprotivleniye izmeneniyam [Employment of international education graduates: Issues of economy and resistance to change]. Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Journal on Educational Sciences, 73(4), 4–13.
McLaughlin, C., & Ruby, A. (Eds.) (2021). Implementing Educational Reform: Cases and Challenges. Cambridge University Press.
Jonbekova, D., Kim, T., Kerimkulova, S., Ruby, A., & Sparks, J. (2021). Employment of international education graduates: Issues of economy and resistance to change. Higher Education Quarterly, 75(4), 618–633.
Ruby, A, & Li, A. (2020). The mobility of education policy in the 21st century. FIRE: Forum for International Research in Education, 6(3) 83–93.
Allen-Platt, C., Gerstner, C.-C., Boruch, R., & Ruby, A. (2020). Toward a science of failure analysis: A narrative review. Review of Research in Education.
Ruby, A., & Fish, W. (2020, November 28). COVID-19 highlights public service role of universities. University World News.
Ruby, A. (2020, September 19). Is there a right balance between security and knowledge? University World News.
Jain, E., & Ruby, A. (2020, July 25). Can India achieve its enrolment target post-pandemic? University World News.
Ruby, A. (2020, July 13). Ban controversy is lesson in participatory democracy. University World News.
Ruby, A. (2020, April 24). The four questions facing university leaders during the COVID-19 crisis. Times Higher Education.
Li, A., & Ruby, A. (2020). The Belt and Road Initiative and new higher education spaces: Potentials and obstacles. International Higher Education, 103.
Ruby, A. (2020, January 5). How China’s higher education development outpaced India’s. Times Higher Education.
Hartley, M., Ruby, A., & Baghday, A. (2019). The pursuit of excellence: Case studies from Qatar. Qatar Foundation Research Report.
Villarreal, P., & Ruby, A. (2018). Government models for financing higher education in a global context: Lessons from the U.S. and U.K. Penn AHEAD, Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.
Ruby, A. (2018). Long & short views: Political & policy contexts for international education research. In S. Saubert (Ed.), NAFSA Research Symposium Series, Volume 2, Washington D.C.
Kumar, V., Ruby, A., & Hartley M. (2018, April 12). Who’s afraid of university autonomy? Scholars have nothing to lose but their chains. Times of India.
Kuzhabekova, A., & Ruby, A. (2018). Raising research productivity in a post–Soviet higher education system: A case from Central Asia. European Education, 1–17.
Ruby, A., & Li, A. (2018, April 12). China’s overseas investment should not neglect education. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A., Kumar, V., & Hartley M. (2018, April 3). Selecting world class institutions: How to choose the best. Economic Times.
Li, A., & Ruby, A. (2018, March 23). The quality conundrum in higher education. University World News.
Ruby, A., Kumar, V., & Hartley, M. (2018, January 4). Why Modi’s announcement of a competition to identify 20 top Indian Universities will actually improve higher education. The Times of India.
Ruby, A., & McLaughlin, C. (2017). Teachers’ work practices in Kazakhstan: Some comparative insights from TIMMS 2011 to guide curriculum implementation. Journal of Educational Sciences, 4(53).
Hartley, M., & Ruby, A. (2017). Parallel reforms: Nazarbayev intellectual schools and Nazarbayev University. Pedagogical Dialogue, 3(21). Center of Excellence, Nazarbayev Intellectual Schools Astana, 31–33.
Ruby, A., & Hartley M. (2017, September 15). What freedoms do ‘institutions of excellence’ need? University World News.
Hartley, M., & Ruby, A. (Eds.) (2017). Higher education reform: The case of Kazakhstan. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Hartley, M., & Ruby, A. (2017). University partnerships. In J. Martin & J. E. Samuels (Eds.), Consolidating colleges & merging universities: New strategies for higher education leaders. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press.
Ruby, A. (2017). Theory and reality: Research, history and brevity. International Educator, September issue, pp. 10 & 12.
Ruby, A. (2017, August 18). Worrying about international student demand? Look at the fundamentals and look beyond. NAFSA. [Blog post].
Ruby, A. (2017, July 28). A day at a U.S. graduation ceremony: What to expect. Times Higher Education.
He, Y., & Ruby A. (2017). A Chinese branch campus in Malaysia. International Higher Education, 88 (Winter), 3–4.
Ruby, A., Kuzhabekova, A., & Lee, J.T. (2017). International faculty recruitment in Kazakhstan: The case of Nazarbayev University. In L. Rumbley, P. Altbach, & M. Yudkevich (Eds.), International faculty in higher education. New York: Routledge.
Ruby, A. (2016, October 14). The importance of keeping globally engaged. University World News.
Hudzik, J., with Charles, H., Green, M., Kinser, K., Lee, J.L., Olds, K.,Ruby, A., & Teekens, H. (2106). Brexit and its implications for higher education internationalization. Trends and Insights, NAFSA, September.
Ruby, A. (2016, June 21). The Brexit vote signals “You are not welcome here.” University World News.
Ruby, A., & He, Y., (2016, August 27). Developing the first Chinese university branch campus in Malaysia. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. , (2016, July 14). The untold story of Middle America's regional universities. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A., (2016, April 13). How Don Nakanishi overcame prejudice in the academy. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2016, February 12). Implementing stronger and more credible student assessment. Education for Global Development. [Blog post].
Ruby, A., & Kent, D. (2016). Investing in learning outcomes: Findings from an independent review of the Russian Aid for Development (READ) trust fund. Washington, D.C.: World Bank.
Ruby, A., Perna, L., Boruch, R., & Wang, N. (2015). Are there metrics for MOOCS from social media? Online Learning Journal, 19 (5).
Ruby, A. (2015). Will universities survive the 21st Century? In Asian Universities in New Times, THF Workshop Reports #2, The Head Foundation, Singapore 2015.
Ruby, A. (2015). Globalization and the university: A relationship worth Studying? In B. Spooner (Ed), Globalization: The crucial phase . Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania.
Boruch, R., & Ruby, A. (2015). To flop is human: Inventing better scientific approaches to anticipating failure. In R. Scott & S. Kosslyn (Eds.), Emerging trends in the social and behavioral sciences. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons.
Ruby, A. (2015, July 30). How the 99 per cent learn: America’s overlooked successes. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2015, May 14). A pick ‘n’ mix programme can be an incoherent one. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. Review of 14-18: A New Vision for Secondary Education by Kenneth Baker et al. Education Review, 22. April 2015.
Ruby, A. (2015, April 9). Generation Y are failing to put money where their mouths are. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2015, January 29). U.S. student debt: Borrowing the long and lending the short of it. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2015, January 8). Super-sized system offers more choice than the McDonald’s menu. Times Higher Education.
Perna, L. W., Ruby, A., Boruch, R. F., Wang, N., Scull, J., Ahmad, S., & Evans, C. (2014). Moving through MOOCs: Understanding the progression of users in massive open online courses. Educational Researcher.
Ruby, A. (2014, November 27). The discounting trend at US universities. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2014, October 16). A welcome clash of academic cultures. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2014). Preparing global citizens. The International Educator.
Ruby, A. (2014, September 11). How a small university maintains its big international reach. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2014, May 1). Heavy weather: Fiscal clouds and MOOC waves in the sunshine state. Times Higher Education.
Perna, L., & Ruby, A. (2014). Cautious towards MOOCs. ScienceGuide.
Chi, P. T., Ruby, A., & Linh, H. H. (2014). Mid-term review of the Vietnamese-German University. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Ruby, A., & Sarinzhipov, A. (2014). Towards the next stages of educational reform in Kazakhstan. In D. Bridges (Ed.), Educational reform and internationalization: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Ruby, A., & McLaughlin, C. (2014). Transferability and the Nazarbayev intellectual schools: Exploring models of practice transfer. In D. Bridges (Ed.), Educational reform and internationalization: The case of school reform in Kazakhstan. Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press.
Ruby, A. (2013, November 28). State interventionism. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A., & Jaramillo, A. (2013). A buyer’s guide to branch campuses. In D. Araya & P. Marber (Eds.), Higher education in the global age: Policy, practice and promise in emerging societies. New York, NY: Routledge.
Ruby, A., & Boruch R. (2013, September 5). Failure analysis. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2013). Benchmarking higher education. In A. Jaramillo (Ed.), The 100 universities study: University governance in the Middle East and North Africa. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Ruby. A. (2013, June 27). Big, bold and highly accessible. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2013). Market trends for international students—2020: Trends and Insights. Washington, D.C.: NAFSA. (Also published in The International Educator, March 2014, and in ScienceGuide as Where will international students go?, 10 June 2013.)
Perna, L., & Ruby, A. (2013). The silver bullet of education. ScienceGuide.
Ruby, A. (2013, May 9). Massive, open, online appraisals. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2013). A few global trends and points of commonality in quality assurance in higher education. In T. Regan & A. Saginkyeva (Eds.), Eurasian higher education leaders forum conference proceedings. Nazarbayev: Nazarbayev University.
Ruby, A. (2013, February 28). Adapt, survive, and thrive. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2013, January 10). More to MOOCs than moolah. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2013). Tinker, tailor. In L. W. Perna (Ed.), Preparing today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs in metropolitan America. Philadelphia, PA: University of Pennsylvania Press.
Ruby, A. (2012, 1 November). Bologna tasters enter US menus. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2012, 4 October). Take and give. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2012, 9 August). Beyond a joke. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2012, 12 July). Recommended reading. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2012, 26 June). A utilitarian view of rankings. Trends and Insights for International Education Leaders. Washington, D.C.: NAFSA.
Ruby, A., & Kelly, S. (2012). Status update: Actively engaging our friends. Times Higher Education.
Ruby, A., & Jaramillo, A. (2011). A buyers guide to branch campuses. University World News.
Ruby, A. (2011). Moving past the agent debate. Trends and insights for international education leaders. Washington, D.C.: NAFSA.
Hartley, M., & Ruby, A. (2011, March 29). A little supervision is a good thing. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Jaramillo, A., Ruby, A., Henard, F., & Zaapanne, H. (2011). Internationalization of higher education in MENA: Policy issues associated with skills formation and mobility. Washington, D.C.: The World Bank.
Ruby, A. (2010, November 18). The not so open door. Inside Higher Ed.
Choudaha, R., & Ruby, A. (2010). Foreign borders: Putting national needs first. University World News.
Ruby, A. (2010). India: Selling services or spreading light? University World News.
Ruby, A. (2010, January 29). India is opening up. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Ruby, A. (2010). The uncertain future for international higher education in the Asia Pacific. Washington, D.C.: NAFSA.