Selected Publications
Grossman P., Herrmann, Z., Kavanagh, S. S., Pupik Dean, C. G. (2021). Core practices for project-based learning: A guide for teachers and leaders. Harvard Education Press.
Grossman, P. (Ed.) (2018). Teaching core practices in teacher education. Harvard Education Press.
Grossman, P., Cohen, J., Ronfeldt, M., & Brown, L. (2014). The test matters: The relationship between classroom observation scores and teacher value added on multiple types of assessment. Educational Researcher, 43: 293-303.
Grossman, P., Cohen, J., & Brown, L. (2014). Understanding instructional quality in English Language Arts: Variations in the relationship between PLATO and value-added by content and context. In T. Kane, K. Kerr, & R. Pianta (Eds.). Designing teacher evaluation systems: New guidance from the Measures of Effective Teaching project. John Wiley & Sons.
Grossman, P., Loeb, S., Cohen, J., & Wyckoff, J. (2013). Measure for measure: The relationship between measures of instructional practice in middle school English Language Arts and teachers' value-added scores. American Journal of Education, 119(3), 445-470.
Hill, H. & Grossman, P. (2013). Learning from teacher evaluations: Challenges and opportunities. Harvard Education Press, 371-384.
Boyd, D, Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Ronfeldt, M. (2012). Recruiting effective math teachers: Evidence from New York City. American Educational Research Journal. 49 (4), 1008-1047.
Grossman, P., Loeb, S., Myung, J., Boyd, D., Lankford, H., & Wyckoff, J., (2012). Learning to teach in New York City: How teachers and schools jointly determine the implementation of a district-wide mentoring program. In A.C. Porter, T. M. Smith, & L. M. Desmione (Eds.). National Society for the Study of Education Yearbook, 111(2).
Grossman, P. & Davis, E. (2012, May). Mentoring that Fits. Educational Leadership.
Grossman, P., Ronfeldt, M., & Cohen, J. (2011). The power of setting: The role of field experience in learning to teach. In S. Graham, K. Harris, & T. Urdan (Eds.), APA Educational Psychology Handbook. American Psychological Association.
Grossman, P. & Brown, M. (2011). Professional expertise: Rethinking the MA degree for teachers. In D. Drury & J. Baer (Eds.), The American public school teacher: Past, present future. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Ing, M., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., O'Brien, R., Wyckoff, J. (2011). The effectiveness and retention of teachers with prior career experience. Economics of Education Review, 30, issue 6, pp. 1229 – 1241
Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Ing, M., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2011). The influence of school administrators on teacher retention decisions. American Educational Research Journal, 48, 303-333.
Grossman, P., Loeb, S., Cohen, J., Hammerness, K., Wyckoff, J., Boyd, D., & Lankford, H. (2010, May). Measure for Measure: The relationship between measures of instructional practice in middle school English Language Arts and teachers' value-added scores. NBER Working Paper No. 16015.
Grossman, P. & Loeb, S. (2010). Learning from multiple routes. Educational Leadership, 67 (8), 22-27.
Boyd, D., Grossman, P., Lankford, H., Loeb, S., & Wyckoff, J. (2009). Teacher education and student achievement. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 31(4), 416-440.
Grossman, P., Compton, C., Igra, D., Ronfeldt, M., Shahan, E., Williamson, P. (2009). Teaching practice; A cross-professional perspective. Teachers College Record. 111 (9), 2055-2100.
Grossman, P., Hammerness, K., McDonald, M. (2009). Redefining teacher: Re-imagining teacher education. Teachers and teaching: Theory and practice, 15(2), 273-290.
Ronfeldt, M. & Grossman, P.(2009). Becoming a professional: Experimenting with possible selves in professional preparation. Teacher Education Quarterly, 35(3), 41-60.
Valencia, S. Martin, S., Place, N., & Grossman, P. (2009). Complex interactions in student teaching: Lost opportunities for learning. Journal of Teacher Education, 60 (3), 304-322.
Hatch, T. & Grossman, P. (2009). Learning to look beyond the boundaries of representation: Using technology to examine teaching (Overview for a digital exhibition: Learning from the practice of teaching). Journal of Teacher Education 60 (1), 70-85.
Hatch, T, Sun, C., Grossman, P., Neira, P., & Chang, T. (2009). Learning from the practice of veteran and novice teachers: A digital exhibition. Journal of Teacher Education, 60(1), 68-69. Grossman, P. & Loeb, S. (Eds.) (2008). Taking stock: An examination of alternative certification. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.