Selected Publications
Books and Monographs
Remillard, J. T., & Kim, O. K. (2020). Elementary mathematics curriculum materials: Implications for teachers and teaching. Springer.
Izsák, A., Remillard, J. T., & Templin, J. (Eds.). (2016). Psychometric methods in mathematics education: Opportunities, challenges, and interdisciplinary collaborations. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education monograph series. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Remillard, J. T., Herbel-Eisenmann, B., & Lloyd, G. M. (Eds.). (2009). Mathematics teachers at work: Connecting curriculum materials and mathematics instruction. Routledge.
Krzywacki, H., Condon, L., Remillard, J. T., Machalow, T., Koljonen, T., & Van Steenbrugge, H. (2023). Emergency remote teaching as a window into elementary teachers’ mathematics instructional systems in Finland and the U.S. International Journal of Educational Research Open, 5.
Trouche, L., Adler, J., & Remillard, J. T. (2023). Conceptualizing teachers’ interactions with resources in crossing languages and cultures. ZDM Mathematics Education, 55(3), 497–519.
Van Steenbrugge, H., & Remillard, J. T. (2023). The multimodality of lesson guides and the communication of social relations. ZDM Mathematics Education, 55(3), 579–595.
Ebby, C. B., Remillard, J. T., & Goldsmith-Markey, L. T. (2023). Learning to teach responsively through asynchronous collaborative discourse around video records of practice. Journal of Teacher Education, 74(5), 451–466.
Condon, L., Koljonen, T., Remillard, J. T., Krzywacki, H., & Van Steenbrugge, H. (2023). Navigating multiple languages and meanings in cross-cultural research on teachers’ resource use. ZDM Mathematics Education, 55(3), 565–577.
Machalow, R., Goldsmith-Markey, L., & Remillard, J. T. (2022). Critical moments: Pre-service mathematics teachers’ narrative arcs and mathematical orientations over 20 years. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 25, 35–61.
Remillard, J. T., Van Steenbrugge, H., Machalow, R., Koljonen, T., Krzywacki, H., Condon, L., & Hemmi, K. (2021). Elementary teachers’ reflections on their use of digital instructional resources in four educational contexts: Belgium, Finland, Sweden, and U.S. ZDM Mathematics Education, 53(6), 1331–1345.
Supovitz, J., Ebby, C. B., Remillard, J. T., & Nathenson, R. (2021). Experimental impacts of learning trajectory-oriented formative assessment on student problem solving accuracy and strategy sophistication. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 52(4), 444–475.
Remillard, J. T., Reinke, L. T., & Kapoor, R. (2019). What is the point? Examining how curriculum materials articulate mathematical goals and how teachers steer instruction. International Journal of Educational Research, 93, 101–117.
Drake, C. & Remillard, J. T. (2019). Seeing teacher-designer-curriculum research through an ergonomic lens: Commentary. International Journal of Educational Research, 93.
Remillard, J. T., Baker, J. Y., Steele, M. D., Hoe, N. D., & Traynor, A. (2017). Universal Algebra I policy, access, and inequality: Findings from a national survey. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 25(101), 1–25.
Remillard, J. T., & Kim, O-K. (2017). Knowledge of curriculum embedded mathematics: Exploring a critical domain of teaching. Educational Studies in Mathematics. DOI: 10.1007/s10649-017-9757-4
Remillard, J. T. (2016). How to partner with your curriculum. Educational Leadership, 74(2), 34–38.
Van Steenbrugg, H., Remillard, J. T., Verschaffel, L., Valcke, M., & Desoete, A. (2015). Teaching fractions in elementary school: An observational study. The Elementary School Journal 115(1), 49–75.
Remillard, J. T., & Heck, D. (2014). Conceptualizing the curriculum enactment process in mathematics education. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46(5), 705–718.
Remillard, J. T., Harris, B., & Agodini, R. (2014). The influence of curriculum material design on opportunities for student learning. ZDM The International Journal on Mathematics Education, 46(5), 735–749.
Ebby, C. B., Lim, V., Reinke, L., Remillard, J. T., Magee, E., Hoe, N., Cyrus, M. (2011). Community based mathematics project: Conceptualizing access through locally relevant mathematics curriculum. Perspectives on Urban Education, 8(2), 12–18.
Remillard, J. T., & Jackson, K. (2006). Old math, new math: Parents' experiences with standards-based reform. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 8(3), 231–259.
Remillard, J. T. (2005). Examining key concepts in research on teachers' use of mathematics curricula. Review of Educational Research, 75(2), 211–246.
Jackson, K., & Remillard, J. T. (2005). Rethinking parent involvement: African American mothers construct their roles in the mathematics education of their children. School Community Journal, 15(1), 51–74.
Remillard, J. T., & Bryans, M. B. (2004). Teachers' orientations toward mathematics curriculum materials: Implications for teacher learning. Journal of Research in Mathematics Education 35(5), 352–388.
Cahnmann, M., & Remillard, J. T. (2002). What counts and how: Mathematics teaching in culturally, linguistically, and socioeconomically diverse urban settings. Urban Review 34(3), 179–205.
Remillard, J. T., & Geist, P. (2002). Supporting teachers' professional learning though navigating openings in the curriculum. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education 5(1), 7–34.
Book Chapters
Remillard, J. T. (2019). Teachers’ use of mathematics resources: A look across cultural boundaries. In L. Trouche, G. Gueudet, & B. Pepin (Eds.), The ‘Resource’ approach to mathematics education, (pp. 175–194). New York: Springer.
Remillard, J. T. (2018). Examining teachers’ interactions with curriculum resource to uncover pedagogical design capacity. In L. Fan, L. Trouche, C. Qi, S. Rezat, & J. Visnovska (Eds.), Recent advances in research on mathematics teachers’ textbooks and resources (pp. 69–88). New York: Springer.
Remillard, J. T. (2018). Mapping the relationship between written and enacted curriculum: examining teachers’ decision making. In G. Kaiser (Ed.), Invited lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education, (pp. 483–500). New York: Springer.
Remillard, J. T., & Reinke, L. T. (2017). Mathematics curriculum in the United States: New challenges and opportunities. In D. R. Thompson, M. A. Huntly, & C. Suurtamm (Eds.), International perspectives on mathematics curriculum (pp. 131–162). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Jacobson, E., Remillard, J. T., Hoover, M., & Aaron, W. (2016). The interaction between measure design and construct development: Building validity arguments. In A. Izsák, J. T. Remillard, & J. Templin (Eds.), Psychometric methods in mathematics education: Opportunities, challenges, and interdisciplinary collaborations (pp. 155–173). Journal for Research in Mathematics Education monograph series. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
Remillard, J. T. (2016). Keeping an eye on the teacher in the digital curriculum race. In M. Bates, & Z. Usiskin, (Eds.), Digital curricula in school mathematics (pp. 195–204). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Remillard, J. T., & Taton, J. (2015). Rewriting myths about curriculum materials and teaching to new standards. In J. A. Supovitz & J. Spillane (Eds.), Challenging standards: Navigating conflict and building capacity in the era of the common core (pp. 49–58). Lahnam, MD: Rowman & Littlefield. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4792.0249
Remillard, J. T., Ebby, C. B., Lim, V., Reinke, L., Hoe, N., Magee, E. (2014). Increasing access to mathematics through locally relevant curriculum. In K. Karp (Ed.), Annual perspectives on mathematics education (pp.89–96). Reston, VA: NCTM.
Baker, J. T., Remillard, J. T., & Lim, V. (2012). Examining youth's mathematics practices in an after school robotics team. In B. Bevan, P.K. Bell, R. Stevens, A. Razfar (Eds.), LOST learning: Learning about out-of-school-time learning opportunities. New York: Springer.
Remillard, J. T. (2012). Modes of engagement: Understanding teachers' transactions with mathematics curriculum resources. In G. Gueudet, B. Pepin, & L. Trouche (Eds.), From text to 'lived' resources: Mathematics curriculum materials and teacher development (pp. 105–122). New York: Springer.
Bose, E., & Remillard, J. T. (2011). Looking for equity in policy recommendations for instructional quality. In B. Atweh, M. Graven, W. Secada, & P. Valero (Eds.), Mapping equity and quality in mathematics education (pp. 176–188). New York: Springer
Stein, M. K., Remillard, J. T., & Smith, M. S. (2007). How curriculum influences student learning. In F. K. Lester (Ed.), Second handbook of research on mathematics teaching and learning (pp. 319–369). Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
Remillard, J. T.,& Cahnmann, M. (2005). Researching mathematics teaching in bilingual-bicultural classrooms. In T. McCarty (Ed.), Language, literacy, power, and schooling. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Remillard, J. T. (2000). The dialogue that might be silencing. In S. E. Wade (Ed.), Inclusive education: A casebook and readings for prospective and practicing teachers (pp. 115–120). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.