Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles & Books (2018–present)
Strunk, K. O. (in press). An invitation to discomfort in pursuit of diversity, inclusion, & excellence. (AEFP Presidential Essay.) Education Finance and Policy.
Burns, J. A.,* Strunk, K. O., Torres, C., Mcilwain, A.,* Harbatkin, E.,* & Waldron, S. F.* (2023, online first). The efficacy and implementation of Michigan’s partnership model of school and district turnaround: Mixed-methods evidence from the first two years of reform implementation. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
Dhaliwal, T. K.,* Lai, I.,* & Strunk, K. O. (2022, online first). Round and round they go: The relationship between changing grades and schools and teacher quality, retention, and absence rates. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis.
Sutherland, D.,* Strunk, K. O., Nagel, J.,* & Kilbride T. (2022, online first). Boxed in: Structural limitations to flexible placing in Michigan competency-based education pilot districts. Journal of Educational Change.
Goldhaber, D., Imberman, S., Strunk, K. O., Hopkins, B.,* Brown, N., Harbatkin, E.,* & Kilbride, T. (2022). To what extent does in-person schooling contribute to the spread of COVID-19? Evidence from Michigan and Washington. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 41(1), 318–349.
Strunk, K. O., Cowen, J., Goldhaber, D. G., Marianno, B., Kilbride, T., & Theobald, R. (2022). Public school teacher contracts and state-level reforms: Assessing changes to the restrictiveness of collective bargaining agreements across three states. American Educational Research Journal, 59(3), 538–573.
Anderson, K.,* Cowen, J., & Strunk, K. O. (2022). Estimating the impact of teacher labor market reforms on student achievement: Evidence from Michigan. Education Finance & Policy, 17(4), 666–692.
Grossmann, M., Reckhow, S., Strunk, K. O., & Turner, M. (2021). All states close but red districts reopen: The politics of in-person schooling during the COVID-19 pandemic. Educational Researcher, 50(9), 637–648.
Barrett, N., Strunk, K. O., & Lincove, J. A. (2021). When tenure ends: The short-run effects of the elimination of Louisiana’s teacher employment protections on teacher exit and retirement. Education Economics, 29(6), 559–579.
Cummings, A.,* Strunk, K. O., & De Voto, C. (2021). ‘A lot of states were doing it’: The development of Michigan’s Read by Grade Three law. Journal of Educational Change.
Bulkley, K., Torres, A. C., Marsh, J. A., Hashim, A., Woodward, S.,* Strunk, K. O., & Harris, D. (2021). From central office to portfolio manager in three cities: Responding to the principal-agent problem. American Journal of Education, 127 (August), 597–626 .
Hashim, A.,* Bush-Mecenas, S. C.,* Strunk, K. O., & Marsh, J. A. (2021). Does autonomy matter? Findings from a district experiment in portfolio management. Leadership and Policy in Schools.
Marianno, B., Bruno, P.,* & Strunk, K. O. (2021). Teachers’ union contracts and the productive efficiency of school districts: Longitudinal evidence from California. Sage Open, January–March 2021, 1–16.
Marsh, J. A., Albright, T. N.,* Brown, D.,* Bulkley, K. E., Strunk, K. O., & Harris, D. N. (2021). The process and politics of educational governance change in New Orleans, Los Angeles, and Denver. American Educational Research Journal, 58(1), 107–159.
Lai, I.*, Wood, W. J.,* Imberman, S. A., Jones, N., & Strunk, K. O. (2021). Teacher quality gaps by disability and socioeconomic status: Evidence from Los Angeles. Educational Researcher, 50(2), 74–85.
Bulkley, K., Marsh, J. A., Strunk, K. O., Harris, D., & Hashim, A. (2020). Challenging the one best system: The portfolio management model and urban school governance. Harvard Education Press. (Winner of the 2022 American Education Research Association Districts in Research and Reform SIG Outstanding Publication Award.)
Bush-Mecenas, S.,* Marsh, J. A., & Strunk, K. O. (2020). Guiding principals: Middle-manager coaching and human capital reform. Teachers’ College Record, 122(10).
Goldhaber, D., Strunk, K. O., Brown, N., Naito, N., & Wolff, M. (2020). Teacher staffing challenges in California: Examining the uniqueness of rural and remote school districts. AERA Open, 6(3), 1–16.
Bruno, P.,* Rabovsky, S.,* & Strunk, K. O. (2019). Taking their first steps: The distribution of new teachers in school and classroom contexts and implications for teacher effectiveness and growth. American Educational Research Journal, 57(4), 1688–1729.
Bruno, P.,* & Strunk, K. O. (2019). Making the cut: The effectiveness of teacher screening and hiring in the Los Angeles Unified School District. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 41(4), 426–460.
Brunner, E., Cowen, J., Strunk, K. O., & Drake, S.* (2019). Teacher labor market responses to statewide reform: Evidence from Michigan. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 41(4), 403–425.
Strunk, K. O., & Marianno, B. D.* (2019). Negotiating the Great Recession: How do teacher collective bargaining agreements change in times of financial duress? AERA Open, 5(2), 1–18.
Strunk, K. O., Cowen, J., Goldhaber, D., Marianno, B.,* Kilbride, T.,* & Theobald, R. (2018). It is in the contract: How the policies set in teachers’ unions’ collective bargaining agreements vary across states and districts. Educational Policy, 32(3), 280–310.
Strunk, K. O., Goldhaber, D., Knight, D. S.,* & Brown, N.* (2018). Are there hidden costs associated with conducting layoffs?: The impacts of RIFs and layoffs on teacher effectiveness. Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 37(4), 755–782.
Marianno, B. D.,* & Strunk, K. O. (2018). The bad end of the bargain? Revisiting the relationship between collective bargaining agreements and student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 65, 93–106.
Hashim, A. K.,* Strunk, K. O., & Dhaliwal, T.* (2018). Justice for all? Exploring the differential effects of the Los Angeles Unified School District’s restorative justice policy on student suspensions. Peabody Journal of Education, 93(2), 174–189.
Lincove, J. A., Barrett, N., & Strunk, K. O. (2018). Lessons from Hurricane Katrina: The employment effects of the mass dismissal of New Orleans teachers. Educational Researcher, 47(3), 191–203.
Hashim, A.,* Strunk, K. O., & Marsh, J. A. (2018). The new school advantage? Examining the effects of new school openings on student achievement. Economics of Education Review, 62, 254–266.
Marianno, B.,* Theobald, R., Kilbride, T.,* Strunk, K. O., Cowen, J., & Goldhaber, D. (2018). Cut from the same cloth? Comparing urban CBAs within states and across the U.S. Educational Policy, 32(2), 334–359.
Note: * indicates graduate student and postdoctoral scholar co-authors