Penn GSE's programs and faculty are organized into four academic divisions.

Educational Linguistics

Betsy R. Rymes

A pioneer in the field, the Educational Linguistics (ELX) division is home to one of the first educational linguistics programs in the world—and today is one of only two such programs in the Ivy League. The division has an international reputation of excellence for an interdisciplinary focus on language learning and teaching as well as the role of language in learning and teaching.

Human Development & Quantitative Methods

Michael J. Nakkula

Our Human Development and Quantitative Methods programs provide students with a foundation in the core concepts of human development, school and mental health counseling, and statistical methods.

Learning, Teaching, and Literacies

Janine Remillard

Preparing teachers, educational leaders, designers, and researchers, our Learning, Teaching, and Literacies Division programs address practice-based and theoretical problems in schools, communities, and professional settings related to teaching and learning, literacies, learning sciences and technologies, curriculum, informal learning, and professional development.

Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems

Michael A. Gottfried

United in a mission to improve society through education, the degree programs in the Policy, Organizations, Leadership, and Systems Division offer students advanced training in policy analysis, organizational change, and educational leadership, with a focus on how education interacts with larger economic, social, cultural and political systems. Whether you’re beginning or advancing your career as an academic researcher, policy maker, higher education administrator, or school leader, you’ll gain the knowledge and skills needed to take your next professional step—and to develop strategies to ensure better outcomes for students and schools and stronger policies for society.