Professional Biography
T. Philip Nichols is an assistant professor in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at Baylor University, and a visiting instructor in Penn GSE’s Mid-Career Doctoral Program in Educational Leadership. His research focuses on how science and technology condition the ways we organize instruction and learning, and the implications for educational equity. He holds a Ph.D. in Literacy, Culture, and International Education, and an M.A. in History and Sociology of Science, both from the University of Pennsylvania.
Phil is the editor of Contemporary Issues in Technology and Teacher Education (English). His writing appears in Educational Researcher; Teachers College Record; Learning, Media and Technology; Curriculum Inquiry; Reading Research Quarterly; and Research in the Teaching of English, as well as in practitioner and popular outlets like Phi Delta Kappan and The Atlantic. His first book, Innovation from Below: Infrastructures for Equity in 21st Century Schools, is currently under contract with Teachers College Press, and will be published in early 2022.