Professional Biography
A recognized expert on girls' education, and the intersection of organizational behavior and identity theory, Dr. Katherine G. Windsor is the twelfth Head of Miss Porter’s School. Prior to her tenure at Miss Porter's School, Dr. Windsor served as Head of the Sage School. Dr. Windsor earned her Doctorate in Education from the University of Pennsylvania and was a Klingenstein Visiting Fellow at Teachers College, Columbia University. She is a member of the New England Association of Schools and Colleges Commission on Independent Schools, the board chair for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy, and a board member for the Student Participatory Action Research Collaborative.
At the University of Pennsylvania, she is a member of the executive committee and instructor for the Independent School Teaching Residency program and on the faculty of the Mid-Career Doctoral program. Dr. Windsor is a frequent lecturer on participatory action research, non-profit governance, identity theory, and anti-racist leadership. She was recently inducted into the Headmasters Association and honored with the Distinguished Alum award by her alma mater, Friends School of Baltimore.