The fight over the Common Core State Standards is arguably the defining educational issue in American politics today.
Jonathan Supovitz — Penn GSE professor of education policy and co-director of the Consortium for Policy Research in Education — appeared on WHYY’s Radio Times to discuss the new standards, the testing that is coming with them, and what the political battles means for education.
Supovitz is the co-editor, with James Spillane, of “Challenging Standards: Navigating Conflict and Building Capacity in the Era of the Common Core,” which will be released in July. Earlier this year, he led the #CommonCore project, which looked at how the debate over the standards played out on Twitter.
“One of the really powerful things about standards are the way they catalyze all kinds of educational issues,” Supovitz said. “It’s a catalyst for changing the teacher preparation system, for changing K-12 alignment, for changing teacher evaluation.”
You can hear the full program here.