U.S. Secretary of Education Arne Duncan will take part in a Twitter chat 1:30 p.m. EST, Wednesday, July 1 moderated by Joe Mazza, Leadership Innovation Manager for Penn GSE’s Mid-Career Leadership Program.
Duncan is participating in a special summer edition of #PTchat, the weekly Twitter discussions Mazza facilitates during the school year to get parents and teachers talking about education. Anyone can join in using the hashtag #PTchat.
“If you have a voice on these issues, we want to make sure you’re able to use that voice,” Mazza said.
The will be the third time Duncan has joined Mazza in PTchat’s four years.
On June 26, Mazza was at the White House for a meeting on the next steps of the Future Ready Schools effort, which helps school districts incorporate technology in learning. He met with school leaders from across the country.
One message that came across over and over again, Mazza said, was the importance of using technology to improve communication between teachers, administrators, students, parents, and policymakers.
Duncan’s chat Wednesday is another great way to keep people talking, Mazza said.
You can follow Duncan on Twitter @arneduncan. You can follow Mazza @Joe_Mazza.