Kat Stein, Exec. Director of Communications Jeff Frantz, Associate Director
katstein@gse.upenn.edu / (215) 898-9642 frantzj@gse.upenn.edu / (215) 898-3269
*Note for TV and radio: The University of Pennsylvania has an on-campus ISDN line and ready access to a satellite uplink facility with live-shot capability.
In schools across the United States, Black students are punished more severely than their peers. But nowhere are Black students suspended or expelled more than in the South. Fifty-five percent of the 1.2 million Black students suspended in the U.S. live in just 13 Southern states.
In a new report, the Center for the Study of Race and Equity in Education at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education offers a state-by-state, school district-by-district examination of school discipline for Black students in the South.
Researchers Edward Smith and Shaun Harper found Black students were consistently suspended and expelled at higher rates than their peers across the region. This held true in urban, suburban, and rural districts, for both Black boys and Black girls. The study is an analysis of every public school district in the South, over 3,000.
“The findings in our report point to the residual effects of Jim Crow, slavery, and unequal schooling,” Harper said. “They are further explained by poverty trends, structural inequities in the education workforce, and a longstanding history of racial injustice that cyclically reproduces itself, especially across these 13 Southern states.”
Read the FULL REPORT*, which lists the districts in each state that discipline Black students at the most disproportionate rates.
VIEW VIDEO of Harper & Smith: https://vimeo.com/penngse/southernstates
Among the findings:
Suspensions and expulsions can carry life-changing consequences for children. They impact academic performance and disrupt pathways to college, but also how a school and community perceive a student.
“It could take years to process through the trauma and stigma of being deemed a problem—that you’re not responsible, not serious,” Smith said. “Teachers and district leaders are signaling that you’re not worthy enough for us to invest in.”
The researchers’ recommendations for improving equity in school discipline include:
Harper, Executive Director for the Center and a Penn GSE professor, hopes the report is a call to action.
“We want to raise consciousness and ignite important conversations among parents and families, community leaders and activists, clergy and religious leaders, and educators about what we can do to make sure Black students aren’t continually affected by racist school policies and practices,” Harper said.
*Update: This report is now housed with the USC Rossier School of Education. The link has been updated to reflect the move.
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