Ashley Kaneria, GED’16

Penn GSE Alum Ashley Kaneria

Ashley Kaneria

Urban Teaching Residency

Part of our Share Your Story Campaign

“I am overjoyed to be working with Making Friends with Books: A Multi-generational Reading Program"

“I am overjoyed to be working with Making Friends with Books: A Multi-generational Reading Program,” says Ashley Kaneria, GED ’16, coordinator of the program, part of the Penn Literacy Network (PLN) at GSE. “For my husband and I, the pandemic had put an indefinite pause on the opening of our adult daycare business. We had hoped to create a home away from home for senior adults to improve their social, physical, and mental health, but 2020 had other plans. Fortunately, a window opened when I received a letter from PLN offering me a position. Dr. Bonnie Botel-Sheppard, executive director of PLN, and I spent time brainstorming ways to connect senior adults with school aged children. From this, Making Friends with Books: A Multigenerational Reading Program was born. The program paired a senior adult, a child aged five to eleven, and a virtual coach who would join together via Google Meet or Zoom and read books selected by our experienced educators. Each book used for the program was accompanied by a lesson plan that provided structure and guided activities for our participant groups to utilize. All supplies and books needed for the program were provided free of cost to all participants since we were fortunate to have some funding available. The overwhelming success of our pilot program resulted in us returning for a second cycle. This program took place last spring and was in partnership with the Evesham School District in Southern New Jersey. I am also happy to share that the reading program was featured on CBS Philly during the summer of 2021. This past year has taught me to always look for that open window.”