I took three courses in the fall semester. Since instructors had always prepared rigorous learning materials and made classes engaging and interesting, I did not feel stressed. Instead, I was excited to join every class to acquire new knowledge and skills. My time was quite flexible. I joined the archery club; I became an ambassador in GSE and Weingarten center; I could continue learning Japanese. My extra-curricular activities kept my daily life busy and meaningful. The spring semester started in January. Courses in this term are more practical and interesting, which certainly can equip me with the necessary skills for teaching English as a second/foreign language in the future. I also plan to apply for a program assistant position or another part-time job on campus to gain more experience and improve myself.

Looking back on the past six months, it is a little hard for me to believe that my surroundings and significant moments can change me as rapidly as this. I can see the development of new characteristics on me and I am sure I am on the way to a better self. Different from Chinese classrooms, classes in GSE are quite small and always student-centered. I need to do readings, to think about questions raised by teachers, to share my perspectives with my classmates, and to cooperate with other people to do group projects. Every project and assignment are counted into the final grade. I like to spend time in Van Pelt or Fisher Fine Arts Library, which are quiet and comfortable places that help me concentrate on my working. Instructors provide constructive feedback for every assignment and project. They are promoting autonomy of thought and action, as well as encourage critical thinking. All the people I meet and the tasks I do influence me. I am more confident and self-initiated. Nervousness has left me when I do presentations or when I socialize with other people. I am now good at time-management and I am able to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. I have become more rational; I can identify strengths and weaknesses before making a final decision. I am more acculturated and open-minded. Most importantly, I am holding a more positive attitude towards my studying and towards my future.