A half year ago I began my classes at Penn, in June 2017. During this time, I have gone through a great deal of transformation and growth. Now though, a new chapter in life is beginning. As I prepare for the next chapter of my life, certain preparations need to be made. Ideally, I’ll be moving across the country soon which means housing, a car and job applications. Recently, here’s what I’ve been doing to get all my ducks in a row.
- Reach out to career services and the alumni association. These groups want nothing more than to help find work, internships and other volunteer opportunities. I’ve also had help with my resumes and cover letters as well.
- Gather a few strong references to provide when applying to jobs, programs and doctorate programs. At times, a single good reference can mean the difference between admission or not.
- Keep track of what you owe. Payment begins quickly after graduation, and you want to be prepared for it. Ignoring correspondence from the student loan servicer could mean missing important information and payments.
- Figure out where you’re going to live after graduation. Will you be staying in the city, renting an apartment, continuing your lease? A realistic budget will work wonders.
- Make sure to finish out and study for your exams. With all of this going on, it’s easy to get lost in the sauce but remember you have to finish. For me that means making sure to stay on top of readings, complete assignments and finally finish comprehensive examinations.