The Penn GSE Magazine

Fall 2017

Fall 2017 Penn GSE Magazine Cover

Cover Story

Students in computer room

Penn GSE in Philadelphia: Partnering Locally for National Impact

Learn how Penn GSE’s partnerships are addressing public school students’ academic performance, physical health, and mental health.


Learn how Penn GSE’s partnerships are addressing public school students’ academic performance, physical health, and mental health.

Penn students walking on Locust Walk in the summer

Four Penn GSE alumni who have gone on to the top position at a college or university share their professional paths, accomplishments, and perspectives.

Penn GSE faculty seated onstage at Commencement

Through the generosity of donors, Penn GSE faculty will be supported by four new professorships established since 2016 through a total of $7.5 million in faculty aid.

Woman smiling with background of flowers

The opportunity to support teachers inspires educator Marjie Gittis Katz, GED’90, who knows firsthand the influence teachers have on children.

Smiling couple standing in front of a bookshelf

Inspired by the work of Penn GSE, Brett Barth, W’93, and his wife, Natalie, have established a scholarship for future teachers.

A young woman types on a laptop within a sphere of equations

Penn GSE Associate Professor Ryan Baker, director of the Penn Center for Learning Analytics (PCLA), uses data to study how learning unfolds.

Extraordinary Impact

Penn Inspiring Impact Logo
Penn GSE Power of Possibility Logo

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