The Penn GSE Magazine

Spring 2019

Spring 2019 Penn GSE Magazine Cover

Cover Story

The Semillas Digitales (“Digital Seeds”) program has yielded improvement in multiple subjects and skills for students in coffee-growing communities of Nicaragua. Photo courtesy of Seeds for Progress Foundation

Creating a World of Opportunity: Penn GSE Partners for Global Impact

In locations around the globe, Penn GSE is forging new paths and setting new precedents for meaningful change in education.


A child in a classroom in Ghana smiles while holding a handful of pens

In locations around the globe, Penn GSE is forging new paths and setting new precedents for meaningful change in education.

A person holds the planet earth in their cupped hands. The earth is illuminated by city lights and the sun rising on the right side of the planet.

Penn GSE alumni are shaping education around the world and in multicultural communities in the United States.

A folded composition book with children’s writing and drawings lies next to a tray of crayons

Diane Waff, C’76, GRD’07, and Judy Buchanan discuss how the Philadelphia Writing Project enriches K–12 teachers’ and students’ learning and how a new initiative is cultivating Philadelphia’s youngest writers.

A smiling man and a woman, both in red winter coats, stand outside.

A supporter of Penn GSE’s Capital Expansion Project, Molly Rouse-Terlevich, C’90, GED’00, is inspired by the transformative power of high-quality education.

Headshot of a smiling man and woman leaning their heads together.

Jeff Goldberg, W’83, WG’89, and Nicole Goldberg, are inspired by the accomplishments and far-reaching influence of Penn GSE.

Extraordinary Impact

Penn Inspiring Impact Logo
Penn GSE Power of Possibility Logo

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