GSE Events

Building Your Mental Health Toolbox: Cultivating a Culture of Belonging

Add to Calendar Icon 2025-02-18 09:00 2025-02-18 14:00 15 Penn GSE Event: Building Your Mental Health Toolbox: Cultivating a Culture of Belonging Join the Project for Mental Health and Optimal Development Feb. 18 at 9 a.m. for a workshop on promoting belonging in educational settings. This workshop will engage educators in developing plans/programs that include evidence-based strategies to foster belonging for students and throughout educational organizations.
3440 Market St., 5th Floor Conference Center (Rooms 500–502), Philadelphia, PA 19104
Mary DiSangro DD/MM/YYYY
Tuesday, February 18, 2025 - 9:00am to 2:00pm
3440 Market St., 5th Floor Conference Center (Rooms 500–502), Philadelphia, PA 19104

What you will learn

This workshop will engage educators in developing plans/programs that include evidence-based strategies to foster belonging for students and throughout educational organizations.

Resources provided

Each participant will receive the Cultivating a Culture of Belonging Toolkit that includes current research, techniques, classroom strategies, and links to additional resources related to belonging, as well as additional tools for assessing belonging across K–12 organizations.


  • $380 per person
  • $340 per person for a team of 4 or more

Future workshops

Content from other toolkits will be shared. Future workshops on these toolkits will include:

  • Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Commitment to Mental Health & Optimal Development for Students
  • Commitment to Mental Health & Optimal Development for Educators
  • HR Summit on Mental Health for Staff

Previous workshops:

  • Stress & Anxiety Toolkit

Event Contact

Mary DiSangro