GSE Events

Colloquium presented by Dr. Kenneth Shores, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University

Add to Calendar Icon 2020-01-16 14:30 2020-01-16 14:30 15 Penn GSE Event: Colloquium presented by Dr. Kenneth Shores, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University Dr. Kenneth Shores, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University, will present a colloquium titled: Equality of Opportunity or Outcome? – Survey Experiments to Uncover Preferences for Educational Mobility, Income Mobility, and Income Equality.
3700 Walnut St, Room 120
Thursday, January 16, 2020 - 2:30pm
3700 Walnut St, Room 120

Dr. Kenneth Shores, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University, will present a colloquium titled: Equality of Opportunity or Outcome? – Survey Experiments to Uncover Preferences for Educational Mobility, Income Mobility, and Income Equality. Dr. Shores studies education inequality and policy tools for its remediation. Relying on quantitative methodologies, this research includes both description and prevention/intervention. On the descriptive side, he is primarily interested in using large datasets to document racial/ethnic and socioeconomic disparities in student learning and educational policy (e.g., school disciplinary policy). He has additional work using conjoint survey designs to describe individual understanding of and preferences for social inequality. On the prevention/intervention side, he uses quasi-experimental methods to identify the effects of environmental contexts on student outcomes as well as policies that are effective at remediating outcome inequality.