GSE Events

IES Predoctoral Program Seminar: Dr. Susan Dynarski

Add to Calendar Icon 2022-11-11 12:30 2022-11-11 13:30 15 Penn GSE Event: IES Predoctoral Program Seminar: Dr. Susan Dynarski Dr. Susan Dynarski, Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education, presents The Power of Certainty: Experimental Evidence on the Effective Design of Free Tuition Programs as part of the IES Predoctoral Program weekly seminar series.
McNeil 150 and on Zoom (email Melanie Bahti for Zoom details)
Melanie Bahti DD/MM/YYYY
Friday, November 11, 2022 - 12:30pm to 1:30pm
McNeil 150 and on Zoom (email Melanie Bahti for Zoom details)

This event will be recorded.

Dr. Susan Dynarski

The University of Pennsylvania Predoctoral Training Program in Interdisciplinary Research Methods for Field-based Research in Education, sponsored by the Institute for Education Sciences (IES), welcomes Dr. Susan Dynarski to our weekly seminar series.

The Power of Certainty: Experimental Evidence on the Effective Design of Free Tuition Programs
Presented by Dr. Susan Dynarski, Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor of Education, Harvard Graduate School of Education

Proposed “free college” policies vary widely in design. The simplest set tuition to zero for everyone. More targeted approaches limit free tuition to those who demonstrate need through an application process. We experimentally test the effects of these two models on the schooling decisions of low-income students. An unconditional free tuition offer from a large public university substantially increases application and enrollment rates. A free tuition offer contingent
on proof of need has a much smaller effect on application and none on enrollment. These results are consistent with students placing a high value on financial certainty when making schooling decisions.


More information
The IES Predoctoral Program’s weekly seminar series connects program fellows and affiliates to scholars and practitioners who engage in educational research and the development of research methods.

Seminars are likely of greatest interest to doctoral students and faculty but are open to all members of the Penn community. If you are interested in attending virtually, please email Melanie Bahti for Zoom information.

Event Contact

Melanie Bahti