GSE Events

Milken–Penn GSE EBPC: "Ask Me Anything"

Add to Calendar Icon 2025-02-13 12:00 2025-02-13 13:00 15 Penn GSE Event: Milken–Penn GSE EBPC: "Ask Me Anything" Thinking about applying to the Milken–Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition but still have questions? Join us Jan. 24 or Feb. 13 at noon (ET) for an insightful overview and helpful hints on distinguishing your application and maximizing your chances for success. Hear from former winners on how to stand out to the judges and put yourself on the path to victory at our finals event in NYC.
John Gamba DD/MM/YYYY
Thursday, February 13, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:00pm

Thinking about applying to the Milken–Penn GSE Education Business Plan Competition but still have questions? Join us Jan. 24 or Feb. 13 at noon (ET) for an insightful overview and helpful hints on distinguishing your application and maximizing your chances for success. Hear from former winners on how to stand out to the judges and put yourself on the path to victory at our finals event in NYC.

Event Contact

John Gamba