GSE Events

Spring Seminar Series: Dr. Beth Schueler

Add to Calendar Icon 2025-02-07 12:00 2025-02-07 13:30 15 Penn GSE Event: Spring Seminar Series: Dr. Beth Schueler Join us for Dr. Beth Schueler's seminar "Public Opinion on School Board Elections." This event is hosted by Penn's IES Predoctoral Training Program and open to all Penn students, faculty, and staff.
Cecilia Dye DD/MM/YYYY
Friday, February 7, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm

 Join us for Dr. Beth Schueler's seminar “ Public Opinion on School Board Elections.”  

Beth Schueler is an associate professor of education and public policy. She studies education policy, politics, and inequality with a focus on efforts to improve low-performing K-12 schools and districts. Dr. Schueler uses both quantitative and qualitative methods to learn which policies are most effective at improving educational organizations and what makes these policies more or less politically viable.

The Spring Speaker Series is a great opportunity to engage with leading experts in education research.The series is hosted by Penn's IES Predoctoral Training Program and open to all Penn students, faculty, and staff.  While we prefer all in-person attendance, a virtual option is available  as well. Please contact Cecilia Dye ( for the Zoom information. 

Event Contact

Cecilia Dye