GSE Events

Visiting Scholars Speaker Series: Dr. Ashley Moore, Boston University

Add to Calendar Icon 2025-04-30 12:00 2025-04-30 13:30 15 Penn GSE Event: Visiting Scholars Speaker Series: Dr. Ashley Moore, Boston University The Educational Linguistics division hosts Dr. Ashley Moore April 30 at 12 p.m. in 355 Stiteler, who will share his research and focus as it relates to the themes of this year’s One Book, One GSE program.
Stiteler Hall, Room 355, 208 South 37th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104
Raquel Arredondo DD/MM/YYYY
Wednesday, April 30, 2025 - 12:00pm to 1:30pm
Stiteler Hall, Room 355, 208 South 37th Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104

Join us for our final speaker in the 2024–2025 Visiting Scholars Speaker Series! The Educational Linguistics division hosts Dr. Ashley Moore, who will share his research and focus as it relates to the themes of this year’s One Book, One GSE program.

Dr. Ashley R. Moore is Assistant Professor of Language Teaching and Learning in Multilingual Settings at the University of Toronto Ontario Institute for Studies in Education. A major strand of his research and public engagement pursues the realization of queer- and trans-inclusive language education. His work within this strand has been published in TESOL Quarterly, The Modern Language Journal, and the International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism.

This series of events is a wonderful opportunity to engage with the GSE community and explore the themes of this year’s One Book, Try to Love the Questions by Lara Schwartz.

Event Contact

Raquel Arredondo